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OAuth with OmniAuth


  • List the concepts behind using OAuth
  • Use a third-party gem in order to implement authentication strategies
  • Use environment variables to hide sensitive data when implementing OmniAuth strategies

Starter Code

This lesson uses starter code, provided here:


For a review of OAuth, look back at our experience using OAuth with Passport in Express

OAuth from Oracle

Setting Up OAuth

In this example, a sample application is setup for you, with a main controller and an index page. Look at the structure of the application and understand the components.

Now, we're going to setup the user model we'll need for this app.

Generate the user model

rails g model user provider provider_id provider_hash email name
  • provider_hash - the hash we get from the OAuth provider (such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
  • provider and provider_id - the Oauth provider name and id we're using

Note that in this example, we're only providing OAuth for one provider. If we wanted to support multiple providers, we would need a separate provider model with a one-to-many association with the user.

Create the database and table

rake db:create
rake db:migrate

Quickly test your model

Make sure your user can be queried.

rails c

Add OmniAuth

Similar to how Passport had a core package and different "strategies" to implement, Rails has a gem called OmniAuth with different strategies to implement. Note that in this case, OmniAuth is used as middleware. So let's install the gems we need!

We'll be adding OAuth with Facebook, so in Gemfile, add omniauth and the strategy gem for each oauth provider you want to support. Full list of supported strategies.


gem 'omniauth'
gem 'omniauth-facebook'

After updating the Gemfile, remember to run bundle.

###Init OmniAuth

Create a new file called omniauth.rb in the config/initializers folder of the Rails application


Add an initializer for each strategy/provider you want to support. We're accessing properties of the ENV object, which we'll set up with a .env file.

Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
  provider :facebook, ENV['FACEBOOK_APP_ID'], ENV['FACEBOOK_SECRET']

Any additional providers would go under the OmniAuth::Builder block.

Create apps with providers

Now you need to go to Facebook and create an app. This will allow you to get the key/secret for each service which you can set in your environment variable. When using Facebook, don't forget to set the Site URL in settings as http://localhost:3000

Again, the workflow for including keys/secrets:

  • store keys locally in a .env file.
  • Run your app using foreman run rails s
  • access keys via the ENV array (for example, ENV['FACEBOOK_KEY'])

NOTE: remember to add .env to your .gitignore file to avoid exposing your keys on github.

Quicklinks for API key creation

###Create auth routes

Like many things in rails OmniAuth uses convention over configuration so it has pre-defined routes that you are expected to use.

  • /auth/:provider
    • login route, created for us, redirects user to the appropriate provider.
  • /auth/failure
    • user is sent here on authentication failure
  • /auth/:provider/callback
    • callback url. This is where the user is redirected after they come back from the provider.

Let's set these routes up.

add to config/routes.rb

get 'auth/logout' => 'auth#logout'
get 'auth/failure' => 'auth#failure'
get 'auth/:provider/callback' => 'auth#callback'

Now that we have routes, we can create the auth controller and start implementing the callback, logout, and failure controller actions. Also, we don't have to implement the /auth/:provider route explictly, because OmniAuth does that for us.

Note that since we're still using session authentication, the logout method be nearly the same. The failure method, for now, will just render an error message as text. Therefore, we really need to worry about the implementation of the callback method.

Callback method

The callback method will perform the following operation:

  • Obtain the provider information from Facebook
  • Find or create a user with the provider and provider id
    • Add the name, email, and hash of the user (the hash being the token from the provider user)
  • Create a session (same as before)
  • Redirect
class AuthController < ApplicationController

  def callback
    # access the provided user info provided by the OAuth provider
    provider_user = request.env['omniauth.auth']

    # use provided user info to find or create the user in our own database
    # this populates fields for the user model we created
    user = User.find_or_create_by(provider_id: provider_user['uid'], provider: params[:provider]) do |u|
      u.provider_hash = provider_user['credentials']['token'] = provider_user['info']['name'] = provider_user['info']['email']

    session[:user_id] =
    redirect_to root_path

  def logout
    session[:user_id] = nil
    redirect_to root_path

  def failure
    #TODO: display error page
    render plain: 'this is a failure'


What is request.env?

Lastly, make sure to setup your @current_user variable inside the ApplicationController and run before_action :current_user in any controller that depends on having the user logged in.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  # Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception.
  # For APIs, you may want to use :null_session instead.
  protect_from_forgery with: :exception

  def current_user
    @current_user ||= User.find_by_id(session[:user_id])


class MainController < ApplicationController
  before_action :current_user

  def index

Now test your code and verify that you can login.


Adding OAuth via OmniAuth to your application is similar to implementing Passport with Express. A summary of the steps we took:

  • Create a user model with the provider attributes
  • Add the OmniAuth middleware and strategies
  • Configure API keys (if necessary)
  • Define routes and controller methods
  • Apply a before_action to make the current user available on specific pages