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function [CY, Y, TY, G, CvecG, M] = LocalPolyAnalv2(data, method);%% Estimates the frequency response function (FRF) and the output noise covariance matrix from % arbitrary input/output data via a local polynomial least squares approximation of the % plant transfer function and the plant and noise transient terms. The input signal may be% exactly zero in (parts of) the frequency band of interest.%% For nonlinear systems the FRF is the best linear approximation and the output covariance% is the sum of the noise covariance and the covariance of the stochastic nonlinear distortions. %% If no input data is provided, then the algorithm simplifies to nonparametric % time series analysis (noise power spectrum estimation).%% Warning: the estimated frequency response matrix is meaningless in those % frequency bands were the input is exactly zero.% %% function [CY, Y, TY, G, CvecG, M] = LocalPolyAnal(data, method);%% Output parameters%% CY = struct('n', [], 'm', [], 'm_nt', [])% CY.n : sample covariance matrix output noise, size ny x ny x F% Usage: calculation uncertainty bounds on FRF% CY.m : sample covariance matrix sample mean output, size ny x ny x F% Usage: weighting in frequency domain maximum likelihood estimation % CY.m_nt : sample covariance matrix sample mean output with transient removed, size ny x ny x F % Usage: weighting in frequency domain maximum likelihood estimation %% Y = struct('m', [], 'm_nt', [])% Y.m : sample mean output, size ny x F% Usage: frequency domain maximum likelihood estimation % Y.m_nt : sample mean output with transient removed, size ny x F% Usage: - frequency domain maximum likelihood estimation % - leakage free output DFT spectra %% TY = sum plant and noise transient contribution at output, size ny x F % Usage: - transient removal in sample mean Ym(k) % - transient removal in output spectrum Y(k)%% G = estimated frequency response matrix, size ny x nu x F%% CvecG = covariance matrix vec(G), size (ny*nu) x (ny*nu) x F %% M = equivalent number of independent experiments = number% of degrees of freedom in the residuals + 1 %% Input parameters%% data = structure containing the input/output data in the frequency band of interest % struct{'Y', [], 'U', [], 'f', [])% data.Y = output signal, size ny x F% data.U = input signal, size nu x F% data.freq = frequency vector in Hz or in DFT numbers, size 1 x F (optional) % default: [1:1:F]%% method = structure containing the parameters of the method used (optional) % struct('order', [], 'moment', [], 'transient', [], 'step', [])% method.order = order of the polynomial approximation (optional; default 2) % method.moment = determines the existence of moment of the CY^-1 (optional; default 0)% moment = 0: CY is of full rank% moment = 1: then the expected value of CY^-1 exists% moment = 2: then the second order moments of CY^-1 exist % method.transient = determines the estimation of the transient term (optional; default 1) % 1: transient term is estimates % 0: no transient term is estimates % method.step = determines at which entries of data.freq the output parameters are calculated: % (optional; default 1)% data.freq(1:step:end) %% Rik Pintelon, July 2008% version 27 March 2009%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Initialisation variables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[ny, F] = size(data.Y); % number of outputs ny, and number of frequencies F try if isempty(data.freq) data.freq = [1:1:F]; else data.freq = data.freq(:).'; data.freq = data.freq/min(diff(data.freq)); % normalisation for improving the numerical conditioning end % if catch data.freq = [1:1:F]; end % trytry if isempty(method) method = struct('order', 2, 'width', 1, 'moment', 0); endcatch method = struct('order', 2, 'width', 1, 'moment', 0);end % trytry if isempty(method.order) method.order = 2; endcatch method.order = 2;end % trytry if isempty(method.width) method.width = 1; endcatch method.width = 1;end % trytry if isempty(method.moment) method.moment = 0; endcatch method.moment = 0;end % trytry if isempty(method.transient) method.transient = 1; endcatch method.transient = 1;end % trytry if isempty(method.step) method.step = 1; end % if catch method.step = 1; end % trytry if isempty(data.U) data.U = []; endcatch data.U = [];endR = method.order; % order polynomial methodwidth = method.width; % frequency width in DFT samplestransient = method.transient; % if 1 then transient is estimated (default); otherwise 0mm = method.moment; % existence first or second order moment inv(CY) Fstep = method.step; % frequency stepSelectFreq = [1:Fstep:F].'; % entries of data.freq at which the output parameters are calculated Fselect = length(SelectFreq); % number of frequencies at which the output parameters are calculated nu = size(data.U, 1); % number of inputs nu switch transient case 1 nu1 = nu+1; % +1 accounts for the transient parameters case 0 nu1 = nu; % no transient parameters are estimatedend % switch% half the frequency width in DFT samples of the polynomial methodnn = ceil((ny + (R+1)*nu1 - 1 + mm)/2);% number of degrees of freedom in the residualsqq = 2*nn+1 - (R+1)*nu1;% equivalent number of independent experimentsM = qq + 1;% covariance matricesCY = struct('n', zeros(ny, ny, Fselect), 'm', zeros(ny, ny, Fselect), 'm_nt', zeros(ny, ny, Fselect));% sample mean outputY = struct('m', zeros(ny, Fselect), 'm_nt', zeros(ny, Fselect));% plant and noise transient contribution at outputTY = zeros(ny, Fselect);% frequency response matrixG = zeros(ny, nu, Fselect);% covariance matrix FRMCvecG = zeros(ny*nu, ny*nu, Fselect);%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Calculation of the regressor matrix Kn %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% regressor matrixKn = zeros((R+1)*nu1, 2*nn+1);% intermediate variablePower_r = ones(R+1, 2*nn+1);% loop over all frequenciesfk = 0; % frequency index of the output parametersfor kk = 1:Fstep:F fk = fk + 1; % range of DFT frequencies around kk if kk <= nn r_index = [-kk+1:1:2*nn-kk+1]; end % if if (kk >= nn+1) & (kk <= F-nn) r_index = [-nn:1:nn]; end % if if kk >= F-nn+1 r_index = [-2*nn+F-kk:1:F-kk]; end % if % intermediate variable: powers of r r_power = data.freq(kk+r_index)-data.freq(kk); for ii = 2:R+1 Power_r(ii,:) = (r_power).^(ii-1); end % ii % regressor matrix if nu > 0 Ukr = data.U(:, kk+r_index); for jj = 1:2*nn+1 Kn(1:(R+1)*nu, jj) = kron(Power_r(:, jj), Ukr(:, jj)); end % jj end % if nu > 0 if transient Kn((R+1)*nu+1:end, :) = Power_r; end % if transient % normalise the rows of Kn for improving the numerical stability of % the calculations Scale = sum(abs(Kn.^2), 2).^0.5; % 2-norm rows Kn FindZeros = find(Scale == 0); % if the input is exactly zero in the band kk-n:kk+n Scale(FindZeros) = 1; % then the scaling is set equal to one Kn = Kn./repmat(Scale, [1, 2*nn+1]); % numerical stable LS estimate output (= "sample mean") [Un, Sn, Vn] = svd(Kn', 0); Yn = (data.Y(:, kk+r_index)*Un)*Un'; % Yn = data.Y(:, kk+r_index)*Qn; with Qn = Un * Un' Index_kk = find(r_index == 0); Y.m(:, fk) = Yn(:, Index_kk); % numerical stable LS estimate of the noise covariance matrix (= "sample covariance matrix") En = data.Y(:, kk+r_index) - Yn; % LS residuals En = data.Y(:, kk+r_index)*Pn; with Pn = I2n+1 - Qn CY.n(:,:,fk) = (En*En')/qq; % sample covariance of the sample mean Qnkk = Un(Index_kk, :) * Un(Index_kk, :)'; CY.m(:,:,fk) = real(Qnkk) * CY.n(:,:,fk); % CYm(:,:,fk) = real(Qn(Index_kk, Index_kk)) * CYn(:,:,fk); if transient % LS estimate transient contribution at output ss = diag(Sn); IndexZeros = find(ss == 0); ss(IndexZeros) = inf; ss = diag(1./ss); Theta = Yn * (Un * ss * Vn'); IndexTrans = nu*(R+1)+1; % position transient parameters TY(:, fk) = Theta(:, IndexTrans) / Scale(IndexTrans); % denormalisation parameters Y.m_nt = Y.m - TY; % output without transient % covariance matrix Ym-TY % qkk = Un * Un(Index_kk, :)'; % bmm = Un * (diag(ss) .* Vn(IndexTrans, :)') / Scale(IndexTrans); % denormalisation parameters % difference qkk - bmm qkk_bmm = Un * (Un(Index_kk, :)' - (diag(ss) .* Vn(IndexTrans, :)')/Scale(IndexTrans)); CY.m_nt(:,:,fk) = norm(qkk_bmm, 2)^2 * CY.n(:,:,fk); end % if transient if nu > 0 % estimate FRM IndexFRM = [1:nu]; G(:, :, fk) = Theta(:, IndexFRM) ./ repmat(Scale(IndexFRM).', [ny, 1]); % covariance matrix vec(G) dimVn = size(Vn, 2); VV = (Vn(IndexFRM, :) ./ repmat(Scale(IndexFRM), [1, dimVn])) * ss; % intermediate variable CvecG(:, :, fk) = kron(conj(VV * VV'), CY.n(:,:,fk)); end % nu > 0 %if kk==347;'rik 290';keyboard;end end % kk iteration over all frequencies