Requires libnuma, so it will only compile on Linux; for macOS you can use a Docker container (see below).
- Requirements: gcc, cmake, libnuma-dev
- Clone this repository and
into it mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G 'Unix Makefiles' -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
(or set build type to Debug if needed)make -j8
- Run
- Assuming docker is installed
- Build a docker image using the included Dockerfile:
cd <repo> && docker build -t tuk-numa ./docker
- After creating the build directory, you can run CMake and make inside a container, e.g.:
docker run --rm \
-v `pwd`:`pwd` \
-w `pwd`/build \
tuk-numa /bin/bash -c "cmake -G 'Unix Makefiles' -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .."
- Because all this seems pretty tedious to type, I've set up a task and debug configuration for Visual Studio Code:
- Once you've opened the repo folder in VS Code
- Press Cmd-Shift-P and select "Tasks: Run Task" to build the docker image and initialize the CMake build directory
- Compile the project with Cmd-Shift-B
- Set a breakpoint and start debugging in VS Code, or select "Run Test Task" from the Cmd-Shift-P menu to run without a debugger
Based on 7 computations (took 9 hours)