Neuronal Circuit Prediction Network (NCPNet), a simple and effective model for inferring neuron-level connections in a brain circuit network.
- Linux
- CUDA environment
- Python 3.7~3.11
- NVIDIA CUDA Compiler Driver NVCC version>=10.0. This is used for compiling the dependencies of torch_geometric: torch-cluster,torch-sparse,torch-scatter.
- Pytorch>=2.0.1
- Pytorch Geometric>=2.3.1
- Ensure that nvcc is accessible from terminal and version >=10.0
nvcc --version
>>>nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver Copyright (c) 2005-2018 NVIDIA Corporation Built on Sat_Aug_25_21:08:01_CDT_2018 Cuda compilation tools, release 10.0, V10.0.130
If NVCC is not not included in your device, it can be installed through the CUDA Toolkit. NVCC is a part of the CUDA Toolkit.
- Ensure that CUDA is usable and version >=11.6
nvidia-smi |grep Version
>>>CUDA Version: >=11.6
Use pip to install NCPNet
pip install NCPNet
Note that it takes a long time to build torch-cluster,torch-sparse,and torch-scatter by pip. Don`t worry, just wait for a while.
If you would like to reproduce our experiments and plots, please also install jupyter.
pip install jupyter
Source Code
├── data
| ├──Hemibrain
| └──C.Elegans
├── example
├── runs
├── configs
├── NCPNet
| ├── approaches
| ├──
| ├──
| ├──
| └──
└── requirements.txt
NCPNet uses a configuration file (yaml) to control training and test. You can run 'example/' with 'configs/linkpred_example.yaml':
python example/ -c configs/linkpred.yaml
linkpred.yaml include the hyperparameters of NCPNet.
Task num:1
Begin 0 Task
{'Experiment': 'HemiBrain', 'val': 0.85, 'test': 0.1, 'train': 0.05, 'lr': 0.005, 'epoch': 400, 'weight_decay': 5e-06, 'seed': 68, 'device': 'cuda:1', 'optimizer': 'adam', 'save': './saved', 'loss': 'bce', 'eval_step': 2, 'negtive_num': 1, 'task_save': 'mlp_demo_model3', 'use_tensor_board': True, 'batch_size': 10000, 'save_dataset': True, 'Model': 'LinkPred', 'node_encoder': 'GCN', 'pair_encoder': 'NeighEnco2', 'use_type_info': False, 'in_channels': 5555, 'hidden_channels': 128, 'out_channels': 64, 'dim': 100, 'dropout': 0.5, 'score_func': 'mlptri', 'num_layer': 2, 'hop': 2}
|::Training::|Epoch:0|Iter:36 |Training loss:0.5731|epoch_time_cost:10.0 s|
|::Training::|Epoch:1|Iter:72 |Training loss:0.4414|epoch_time_cost:4.6 s|
|::Training::|Epoch:2|Iter:108 |Training loss:0.3764|epoch_time_cost:4.4 s|
|::Training::|Epoch:3|Iter:144 |Training loss:0.3377|epoch_time_cost:4.7 s|
|::Training::|Epoch:4|Iter:180 |Training loss:0.2822|epoch_time_cost:4.8 s|
|::Training::|Epoch:5|Iter:216 |Training loss:0.2565|epoch_time_cost:3.7 s|
|::Training::|Epoch:6|Iter:252 |Training loss:0.2430|epoch_time_cost:3.9 s|
|::Training::|Epoch:7|Iter:288 |Training loss:0.2348|epoch_time_cost:3.7 s|
|::Training::|Epoch:8|Iter:324 |Training loss:0.2271|epoch_time_cost:3.9 s|
|::Training::|Epoch:9|Iter:360 |Training loss:0.2209|epoch_time_cost:3.7 s|
|::Training::|Epoch:10|Iter:396 |Training loss:0.2163|epoch_time_cost:4.1 s|
|::Training::|Epoch:11|Iter:432 |Training loss:0.2123|epoch_time_cost:4.5 s|
|::Training::|Epoch:12|Iter:468 |Training loss:0.2072|epoch_time_cost:4.7 s|
|::Training::|Epoch:13|Iter:504 |Training loss:0.2042|epoch_time_cost:3.7 s|
|::Training::|Epoch:14|Iter:540 |Training loss:0.2021|epoch_time_cost:4.1 s|
|::Training::|Epoch:15|Iter:576 |Training loss:0.1997|epoch_time_cost:4.5 s|
|::Training::|Epoch:16|Iter:612 |Training loss:0.1980|epoch_time_cost:4.7 s|
Once you train a model, such as 'model.ncpnet', then use the following command to predict the probility between two neurons:
python -m NCPNet -pred 1721996278 1722670151 -m model.ncpnet
Inferring the connection probability of (1721996278->1722670151)
The score of (1721996278->1722670151): 0.874
Please try to use jupyter to reproduce our experiments in ./example/
The Drosophila connectome is available at
The C.elegans connectome is available at
The data will be released after the review process.