- 🥶过时(六个月以上不更新)
- 👻简单
- 👍特别喜爱
- 😊cpufetchSimple yet fancy CPU architecture fetching tool
- ⭐hot-reload-chot-reload-c
- ⭐mimikatzA little tool to play with Windows security
- ⭐cosmopolitanbuild-once run-anywhere c library
- ⭐acwjA Compiler Writing Journey
- 😊simdjsonParsing gigabytes of JSON per second
- 😊nnnterminal file manager
- ⭐LCUIC library for building UI with C, XML and CSS.
- 😊spdlogFast C++ logging library.
- 👻|⭐xpackconvert json/xml/bson to c++ struct
- ⭐discountC impl of John Gruber's Markdown markup language
- 😊wkhtmltopdfConvert HTML to PDF using Webkit (QtWebKit)
- ⭐notepandaA simple cross-platform notepad.
- 👻|⭐UNOCard Game UNO!
- 😊indicatorsActivity Indicators for Modern C++
- ❤️awesome-modern-cppA collection of resources on modern C++
- ❤️modern-cpp-featurescheatsheet of modern C++ and library features.
- ⭐taskflowParallel and Heterogeneous Task Programming System
- 😊btopA monitor of resources
- 👻|⭐MinesweeperAIMinesweeperAI
- 👻|⭐minilispA readable lisp in less than 1k lines of C
- ❤️CPlusPlusThingsC++那些事
- ❤️modern-cpp-tutorialC++11/14/17/20 On the Fly
- ❤️Bilibili-plus侯捷C++系列
- 🥶|👻|⭐compact_htmlEmbed image data directly to HTML files.
- 🥶|👻|⭐quinesnakeA quine that plays snake over its own source!
- ⭐chibiccA small C compiler
- ⭐daytripperHide-My-Windows Laser Tripwire
- 😊specThe canonical spec for ulid
- ❤️safe-rules详细的C/C++编程规范指南
- 😊Catch2A modern, C++-native, test framework for unit-tests
- ⭐dragonflyA modern replacement for Redis and Memcached
- 😊checkmakeexperimental linter/analyzer for Makefiles
- 😊CriterionA cross-platform C and C++ unit testing framework
- ⭐masscanTCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously
- ⭐btopA monitor of resources
- ⭐osquerySQL powered operating system instrumentation...
- ⭐ClipboardCut, copy, and paste anything, anywhere, all from the terminal
- ⭐LANDropFile Transfer
- 😊winmergean Open Source differencing and merging tool
- 😊NanaZipThe 7-Zip derivative
- ⭐chromiumChromium
- ⭐caesium-image-compressorcross-platform image compression software
- ❤️DungeonRushA opensource game inspired by Snake
- ⭐B23Downloader下载B站视频、直播、漫画
- ⭐flameshotPowerful yet simple to use screenshot software
- ⭐FileCentipedeCross-platform internet upload/download manager
- ⭐muduo|C++11Event-driven network library for multi-threaded Linux
- ⭐CppNet|C++11Cross platform network library
- 😊darkhttpda web server
- ⭐asioBoost.org asio module
- ⭐httpdownloaderuses input/output completion ports (IOCP).
- ⭐wfrestC++ Web Framework REST API
- 🥶|👻|⭐Tinyhttpdtinyhttpd.sourceforge.net
- ⭐leveldba fast key-value storage library
- 🥶|⭐fast-cpp-csv-parserfast-cpp-csv-parser
- ⭐follyFacebook C++ library
- ⭐boostSuper-project for modularized Boost
- ⭐STLMSVC's implementation of the C++ Standard Library.
- ⭐uthashC macros for hash tables and more
- 😊ctreCompile Time Regular Expression in C++
- ⭐nushellA new type of shell
- 😊rustdeskYet another remote desktop software
- ⭐polarsFast multi-threaded DataFrame library
- ⭐gobangA cross-platform TUI database management tool
- ⭐ripA safe and ergonomic alternative to rm
- ⭐dogA command-line DNS client.
- ⭐coreutils=Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
- ⭐arpchatwhat if you wanted to text your friends using only ARP?
- 😊justJust a command runner
- 😊carbonylChromium running inside your terminal
- ⭐godisA Golang implemented Redis Server and Cluster
- 😊dnsDNS library in Go
- 🥶|⭐pholcusa distributed high-concurrency crawler software
- 😊caddyFast, multi-platform web server with automatic HTTPS
- ⭐iam企业级的 Go 语言实战项目:认证和授权系统
- ⭐doltIt's Git for Data
- 😊milvusVector database for scalable similarity search and AI applications
- ⭐wild-workouts-go-ddd-exampleGo DDD example application|CQRS
- ⭐go-multiplatform-dockerGitHub Actions|multiplatform, release, DockerHub
- ⭐gfenterprise-class application development framework
- ⭐go-flyopen source live customer chat by golang
- ⭐paopao-ceA artistic "twitter like" community built on gin+zinc+vue+ts
- ⭐Open-IM-Server由前微信技术专家打造的基于 Go 实现的即时通讯
- ⭐chatInstant messaging platform
- ⭐gochatgoim server write by golang
- ⭐gopeedHigh speed downloader
- 😊crocsend things from one computer to another
- 😊httpstatIt's like curl -v, with colours.
- 😊dsqCommandline tool for running SQL queries against JSON...
- 😊prettyPretty printing for Go values
- 😊octosqla query tool process data by using SQL.
- 😊gotopA terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop
- 🥶|😊mkcertto make locally trusted development certificates
- 😊gitleaksProtect and discover secrets using Gitleaks
- 😊vhsYour CLI home video recorder
- 😊sttrto perform various operations on string
- 😊osv-scannerVulnerability scanner written in Go
- 😊samplerTool for shell commands execution, visualization and alerting
- 😊go-prettTable-writer and more in golang
- 😊bubbleteaA powerful little TUI framework
- 😊gookitTerminal color rendering library
- ⭐gumA tool for glamorous shell scripts
- 😊ts-protoc-genprotoc plugin for TypeScript and gRPC-Web.
- ⭐prismaNext-generation ORM for Node.js & TypeScript
- 😊rubickElectron based open source toolbox
- ⭐code-nav专业的编程导航,帮你找到优质的编程学习资源!
- ⭐antd-adminfront-end solution built upon Ant Design and UmiJS
- ⭐MooToolA handy tool set for developers.
- 😊zxA tool for writing better scripts
- 😊code-serverVS Code in the browser
- 😊algorithm-visualizerVisualizes Algorithms
- ⭐windows95Windows 95 in Electron
- ⭐fiorachat application
- 😊vuepress-theme-vdoing一款简洁高效的VuePress知识管理&博客主题
- 😊PotatofieldImageToolkit图像工具箱
- ⭐unlock-musicUnlock encrypted music file in browser.
- ⭐G6A Graph Visualization Framework in JavaScript
- 🥶|❤️purecss-pinkHTML/CSS drawing of gel studio lighting.
- ⭐OS.jsJavaScript Web Desktop Platform
- ⭐js-sdslA javascript standard data structure library
- ⭐mini-vue实现最简 vue3 模型
- 😊type-challengesTypeScript type challenges with online judge
- 😊cypresstesting for anything that runs in a browser.
- 😊pkgPackage your Node.js project into an executable
- 😊cncharChinese character util
- 😊payloadHeadless CMS and Application Framework
- 😊Geeker-Admin一套后台管理框架
- 😊xterm.jsA terminal for the web
- 😊siyuana local-first personal knowledge management system
- ⭐clipboard.jsModern copy to clipboard
- 😊repo-visualizercreates an SVG diagram of your repo
- ⭐maths加减法数学题生成器
- ⭐batnotermarkdown-based, self-hosted note taking webapp.
- 😊GithubCityCreate a 3D city from your GitHub contributions
- ⭐hat.shEncrypt and Decrypt files securely in your browser
- 😊docusaurusEasy to maintain open source documentation websites
- ⭐uptime-kumaA fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
- ⭐memosself-hosted knowledge base that works with a SQLite db file
- ⭐hoppscotchOpen source API development ecosystem
- 😊marpThe entrance repository of Markdown presentation ecosystem
- 😊terminalizerRecord your terminal and generate animated gif images
- ⭐SwitchHostsSwitch hosts quickly!
- 😊patch-packageFix broken node modules instantly
- 🥶|⭐message-boxa Web component implemented on Lit-Element library.
- 🥶|⭐popular-message轻量级的信息反馈组件
- 😊towxml微信小程序HTML、Markdown渲染库
- 🥶|😊md-blockA custom element for rendering stylable Markdown
- 🥶|⭐ebs-designA React-based UI toolkit
- ⭐picoMinimal CSS Framework for semantic HTML
- ⭐css-doodle🎨 A web component for drawing patterns with CSS.
- ⭐layui采用自身模块规范编写的前端 UI 框架
- ⭐glideJavaScript ES6 slider and carousel.
- 😊Chart.jsSimple HTML5 Charts using the canvas tag
- 😊bytemdHackable Markdown editor and viewer
- 😊mind-elixir-corea framework agnostic mind map core
- 😊storybookThe UI component explorer
- 😊driver.jsto drive the user's focus across the page
- 😊vue-color-avatarAn online avatar generator
- ⭐logolyA Pornhub Flavour Logo Generator
- 😊sorry在线制作
sorry 为所欲为
的gif - 😊tkinter-helper为tkinter打造的可视化拖拽布局界面设计小工具
- ⭐OnlineJudgeonline judge based on Vue, Django and Docker
- 😊Tkinter-DesignerCreate Beautiful Tkinter GUIs by Drag and Drop
- ⭐bigdata_analyseTurboWay/bigdata_analyse: 大数据分析项目
- 🥶|⭐printPlayPython print to form Chinese characters
- ⭐color-trace将位图转为彩色矢量 svg 图片
- 😊qRun SQL directly on CSV or TSV files
- 😊python-pinyin汉字转拼音(pypinyin)
- 😊cheat.shthe only cheat sheet you need
- 😊Cipheydecrypt encryptions, decode encodings, crack hashes
- ⭐PythonAll Algorithms implemented in Python
- 😊bokehInteractive Data Visualization in the browser, from Python
- 😊you-getDumb downloader that scrapes the web
- 😊yaspinterminal spinner for Python
- ⭐wjcat-release问卷喵——vue和django开发的问卷调查网站
- 🥶|⭐mnistCNN识别手写体数字
- 🥶|⭐python-small-examplesPython 实用小例子
- 😊MockingBirdAI拟声
- 😊richRich is a Python library for rich text in the terminal.
- 😊system-design-primerLearn how to design large-scale systems.
- 😊gprof2dotConverts profiling output to a dot graph
- 😊Handrightfor simulating Chinese handwriting
- ⭐LiveTermBuild terminal styled websites in minutes!
- 😊memory_profilerMonitor Memory usage of Python code
- 😊textualTextual is a TUI framework for Python
- 😊code2flowPretty good call graphs for dynamic languages
- 😊CustomTkinterA modern and customizable python UI-library based on Tkinter
- 😊FileCodeBox文件快递柜-匿名口令分享文本、文件
- gruns/icecreamNever use
to debug again.
- ❤️MindustryA sandbox tower defense game
- 😊supertokens-coreOpen source alternative to Auth0
- ⭐oshiNative Operating System and Hardware Information
- ⭐MooInfoVisual implementation of OSHI
- ⭐blog基于SpringBoot + Vue 开发的前后端分离博客
- 😊sndcpyAndroid audio forwarding (scrcpy, but for audio)
- ⭐onenav使用PHP开发的简约导航/书签管理系统
- ⭐DirectoryListerthe easiest way to expose the folders and files
- ⭐EteSync & EtebaseEteSync & Etebase
- ⭐FengYunWeatherAndroid平台开源天气 App
- ⭐XPopupPowerful and Beautiful Popup for Android
- 😊getwidgetUI library with 1000+ Widgets to build flutter app
- 😊PermissionXmakes handling runtime permissions extremely easy.
- ⭐graphicA grammar of data visualization and Flutter charting library
- 😊termux-appa terminal emulator application for Android
- 😊ishLinux shell for iOS
- 😊yabaiA tiling window manager for macOS
- 😊one-key-hidpiEnable macOS HiDPI and have a native setting.
- 😊keycastrkeystroke visualizer
- 😊AmethystAutomatic tiling window manager for macOS à la xmonad.
- ⭐MiaoYanLightweight Markdown app
- 😊SourceCodeSyntaxHighlightQuick Look extension for highlight
- ⭐DevToysMacDevToys For mac
- 😊MicrosoftHostsPickerA simple hosts picker for Microsoft Services
- 🥶|😊UsbCopyerwindows插上U盘后自动复制该U盘文件的简单实现
- 👍|😊gsudoA Sudo for Windows
- ⭐TrafficMonitor显示当前网速、CPU及内存利用率的桌面悬浮窗软件
- 😊Windows11_HardeningA collection about Windows 11 security
- 😊x11dockerRun GUI applications in docker and podman containers.
- 😊waydroiduses a container-based approach to boot a full Android
- ❤️flash-linux0.11-talk像小说一样品读 Linux 0.11 核心代码
- 😊bloomrpcGUI Client for GRPC Services
- 😊ghzSimple gRPC benchmarking and load testing tool
- 😊publicA collective list of free APIs
- 😊nerd-fontsIconic font aggregator, collection
- 😊code996统计 Git 项目的 commit 时间分布
- ❤️modern-unixmodern alternatives to common unix commands.
- ❤️WorkingTimeWorkerLivesMatter/WorkingTime
- ❤️Git-Cheat-Sheetgit and git flow cheat sheet
- ❤️AlgoXYBook of Elementary Algorithms and Data structures
- 🥶|❤️the-art-of-command-lineMaster the command line, in one page
- 🥶|❤️interviewsEverything you need to know to get the job.
- ❤️HelloGitHubShare open source projects on GitHub.
- 🥶|learn-regexLearn regex the easy way
- ❤️A-to-Z-Resources-for-StudentsCurated list of resources
- ❤️LearningNotesEnjoy Learning.
- ❤️chinese-independent-blogs中文独立博客列表
- ❤️leeml-notes李宏毅《机器学习》笔记
- ❤️hacker-laws-zh对开发人员有用的定律、理论、原则和模式
- ❤️hacker-lawsLaws, Theories, Principles and Patterns
- ❤️octodexGitHub's Octocats.
- 😊beautify-github-profilea more beautiful and attractive github profile
- ❤️Bash-OnelineA collection of handy Bash One-Liners and terminal tricks