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Embedded Component API

Geoffrey Kwan edited this page Jul 23, 2018 · 8 revisions

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How does an embedded model send a message to WISE?

An embedded Javascript model will use the iframe window.postMessage() to send data to WISE. Here is an example of how the model would send a message to WISE.

  let message = {
    "messageType": "studentWork",
    "studentData": {
      "yourModelData1": "abc",
      "yourModelData2": 123
  window.postMessage(message, "*");

What types of messages can an embedded model send to WISE?

Message Type Description
studentDataChanged The student data in the model has changed and the model is sending the student data to WISE so that it can be saved. This student data will be saved when WISE auto saves. Use this way of saving student data if you don't need complete control of how often student data is saved.
studentWork The model is sending student work to WISE so that it can be saved. This student data will be saved immediately. This has the option to overwrite existing saved data. Use this way of saving student data if you want complete control of how often student data is saved.
event An event has occurred in the model and the model is sending the event to WISE so that it can be saved. This event will be saved immediately.
applicationInitialized The model is telling WISE that the model is done initializing.
getParameters The model is requesting the parameters that have been authored into this WISE embedded component.
componentDirty The model is notifying WISE that it has unsaved student work.
componentSubmitDirty The model is notifying WISE that it has unsubmitted student work.
getStudentWork The model is requesting student work from WISE. The model can request student work from any step and any component.
getLatestStudentWork The model is requesting the latest student work saved for this model.

What types of messages can WISE send to the embedded model?

Message Type Description
studentWork WISE is sending student work to the model. This is the response to the "getStudentWork" message that the model has sent to WISE. The student work can be from any step and any component.
latestStudentWork WISE is sending the latest student work to the model. This is the response to the "getLatestStudentWork" message that the model has sent to WISE.
parameters WISE is sending the parameters to the model. This is a response to the "getParameters" message that the model has sent to WISE.
componentStateSaved WISE is sending a confirmation that the model student work has been saved.
componentState WISE is sending the latest student work to the model. This is automatically sent when the component is loaded.
handleConnectedComponentStudentDataChanged The embedded component has a connected component. The student work in a connected component has changed in WISE so WISE is sending the connected component student work to the model.
siblingComponentStudentDataChanged The student work in the same step but a different component has changed in WISE so WISE is sending that student work to the model.

How do parameters work?

The author of the embedded component can specify parameters that will be passed to the model. This allows the author to use a single model file in multiple places in the WISE project, each with a different configuration.

For example, if your embedded component in WISE was authored like this

    "id": "4w57lrheto",
    "type": "Embedded",
    "url": "yourmodel.html",
    "parameters": {
      "yourModelParameter1": "abc",
      "yourModelParameter2": 123

Then when your model requests the parameters, it would receive an object like this

    "nodeId": "node8",
    "componentId": "4w57lrheto",
    "yourModelParameter1": "abc",
    "yourModelParameter2": 123

Then imagine you wanted to reuse the model but with a different configuration, then you would author another embedded component like this using the same model but different parameters

    "id": "d2klzb57ep",
    "type": "Embedded",
    "url": "yourmodel.html",
    "parameters": {
      "yourModelParameter1": "def",
      "yourModelParameter2": 456

Can I use GET URL parameters with the embedded component?

Yes, you can use GET URL parameters with embedded models since we use an iframe to render the model. This is an alternative to using the parameters mentioned above. The GET URL method of sending parameters may actually be easier for authors.

This is an example of what the embedded component would look like with GET URL parameters.

    "id": "d2klzb57ep",
    "type": "Embedded",
    "url": "yourmodel.html?yourModelParameter1=def&yourModelParameter2=456"
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