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How to Set Up WISE on AWS
This guide assumes that you are familiar with AWS and have an AWS account. For more information on AWS, visit https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started
1. Sign in to AWS
2. Go to the Oregon Region. If you want to launch your WISE instance in a different region, you will need to copy the AMI from the Oregon region to the other region of your choice before you proceed.
3. Go to the EC2 page
4. Click the "Launch" button
5. In the "1. Choose AMI" page, go to the "Community AMIs" tab and search for "web-based inquiry science environment". You should see an AMI with a description like "Web-based Inquiry Science Environment 5.7.7 provided by UC Berkeley".
6. Click the "Select" button for the AMI
7. In the "2. Choose Instance Type" page, select the instance type based on your expected usage. We recommend at least t2.large.
8. Click the "Next: Configure Instance Details" button
9. In the "3. Configure Instance" page, leave all the settings as default
10. Click the "Next: Add Storage" button
11. In the "4. Add Storage" page, you may increase the size of the SSD storage depending on your expected usage. Here is our recommended storage size.
Total Users | SSD Size |
1-1000 | 10GB |
1000-10,000 | 25GB |
10,000+ | 50GB |
100,000+ | 200GB |
12. Click the "Next: Add Tags" button
13. In the "5. Add Tags" page, click the "Add Tag button"
14. Set the "Key" to "Name" (make sure N is capitalized). Set the "Value" to something descriptive of your choosing such as "WISE". This name will show up in your list of EC2 instances.
15. Click the "Next: Configure Security Group" button
16. In the "6. Configure Security Group" page, we will create a new security group that allows HTTP and HTTPs requests in.
17. Set the "Security group name" to "wise-security-group"
18. Set the "Description" to "wise-security-group"
19. Click the "Add Rule" button and set the type to "HTTP"
20. Click the "Add Rule button and set the type to "HTTPS"
21. Click the "Review and Launch" button
22. Click the "Launch" button
23. It will ask you to select an existing key pair or create a new key pair. You may use an existing key pair if you would like. If you don't have any key pairs, you can create a new one.
24. To create a new key pair, select "Create a new key pair" and set the name to something like "WISEKeyPair".
25. Click the "Download Key Pair" button
26. Click the "Launch Instances" button
27. Your instance will now take a minute to start up
28. Once your instance has started up (the instance state changes to "running"), copy the "IPv4 Public IP". Paste the IP into your browser to go to the WISE homepage.
29. You can now use WISE. Log in and change your admin password. Also try adding a sample project to your WISE instance. Follow "First Time Getting Started" section on this page: https://github.com/WISE-Community/WISE/wiki/WISE-Administrator-Resources
1. SSH into your WISE instance (example ssh -i "WISEKeyPair.pem" ubuntu@ec2-54-201-191-209.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com). Make sure the username is ubuntu. You may also need to chmod 400 WISEKeyPair.pem.
2. When asked about the authenticity of the host, answer "yes"
3. Run /home/ubuntu/scripts/updateWISE.sh and give it the WISE version number as an argument (example /home/ubuntu/scripts/updateWISE.sh 5.7.7)
4. Run any database update commands
5. Your WISE instance has now been updated