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How to Setup WISE: Latest Deployment Model

Hiroki Terashima edited this page Oct 16, 2018 · 6 revisions

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The method for deploying the latest version of WISE is mostly the same as WISE Stable Deployment Model, but instead of downloading the wise-X.war file in step 4, you will be checking out the latest codebase and building it on the server. You can also follow these steps to make custom builds of WISE.

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You will need:

  1. Git
  2. Maven
  3. Other things in the WISE Stable Deployment Model page


1. (You will only need to do this the first time) Work through steps 1-3 on WISE Stable Deployment Model to set up tomcat.

2. (You only need to do this the first time) Get the latest codebase from git and configure settings.

# Clone wise
$ git clone git://

# Copy src/main/resources/ 
# to src/main/resources/ 
# and edit to match your environment (see comments in the file for details)
$ cd WISE
WISE $ cp src/main/resources/ src/main/resources/
WISE $ emacs src/main/resources/

3. Use maven to compile and package the web application.

# Build and package. This will make wise.war in WISE/target directory.
WISE $ mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package

4. Use this wise.war file for step 4 in WISE Stable Deployment Model

5. Work through the remaining steps in WISE Stable Deployment Model


Changing Logging output Levels in Tomcat

For Tomcat v7.0 general logging, change conf/ For WISE logging, change WEB-INF/classes/ For example, change value for "log4j.rootLogger" from "INFO"/"ERROR" to "DEBUG, stdout". "DEBUG" gives you maximum logging.

log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, stdout

For more info on Tomcat logging, see this page:

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