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WISE4 VLE Project Theme Architecture
The WISE VLE project theme architecture allows designers to create customized visual styles for WISE projects. Project authors can select from the installed themes in a WISE instance to use with their projects.
Each WISE project theme is made up of a "vle_body.html" file, a "config.json" file, and folders for custom css, images, javascript, and navigation modes.
The "vle_body.html" file provides the HTML specific to a theme. It will be inserted into the WISE core 'vle.html' file when a project loads.
Edit "vle_body.html", the theme's CSS, and the images in the 'images' folder to customize the WISE VLE styling and user interface to your liking.
Required and suggested elements in "vle_body.html" are marked as such. These elements are necessary for core WISE features to function properly. Make sure to include these elements somewhere in the "vle_body.html" file, but feel free to move them around and style them to your liking unless otherwise noted.
(Note: Any required CSS and/or Javascript files for a theme should be specified in the "config.json" file - see below).
The "config.json" file in a theme's root directory is responsible for setting the theme's identifying information and configuration options.
To utilize any CSS or javascript files for your theme, you must specify their file paths in the "config.json" file (see items 11 and 12 below) and include the corresponding files in the theme package.
NOTE: WISE includes the jQuery 1.9+ (http://jquery.com) and jQuery UI 1.10+ (http://jqueryui.com) javascript libraries by default. You do not need to include these files with your theme. WISE also provides a default theme for jQuery UI. If you would like to use a customized jQuery UI theme instead of the WISE default, indicate the file path to your custom CSS file in the configuration options (see item 13 below). (You can also make minor modifications to any jQuery UI styles using any of the CSS files you include with this theme.)
(For help creating your own jQuery UI themes, visit the jQuery UI ThemeRoller: http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/).
If you are including a screenshot and/or thumbnail image for a theme, be sure to add the corresponding image files to the theme package as well. Note: screenshots/thumbnails will be displayed in the project settings section of the WISE authoring tool where authors can select a theme and corresponding navigation mode to use for each project. (Not yet implemented, but will be included with the new WISE authoring environment, summer 2013)
The following fields must be included in a theme's "config.json" file. Modify each field to match your theme.
Configuration Options:
- "id" - A unique identifier for this theme; MUST be the same as this theme's root folder name (String)
- "name" - A text identifier for the theme; will be displayed when selecting the theme in project authoring and/or run settings (String)
- "description" - A short text description of the theme's major features (String)
- "version" - Version number for this iteration of the theme (String)
- "author" - Name of the theme's author (String)
- "date" - Date and time the theme was created/updated (String)
- "screenshot" - Preview screenshot of theme (File path relative to theme root)
- "thumb" - Preview thumbnail image of theme (File path relative to theme root),
- "logo" - VLE logo for this theme; usually displayed in HTML for the project VLE - see "vle_logo" DOM element in "vle_body.html" (File path relative to theme root)
- "css" - CSS files required by theme (Array of file paths relative to theme root)
- "js" - Javascript files required by theme; Optional (Array of file paths relative to theme root)
- "jqueryui_css" - CSS file for customized jQuery UI theme; Optional, as WISE provides a default jQuery UI theme; leave value as empty string ("") to use the default theme (File path relative to theme root)
- "nav_modes" - The project navigation modes this theme supports; First entry in the array will be set as the default; Each navigation mode's 'id' entry MUST match the name of a folder in the "navigation" directory for your theme; You must include at least one navigation mode with your theme; See "Project Navigation" section below for more details (Array of Objects)
With each WISE VLE theme, authors can include any number of accompanying navigation modes. Navigation modes define the visual appearance and behavior of the project navigation menu (i.e. the activity and step DOM elements that make up each WISE project menu).
Available navigation modes for a theme are defined in the theme's "config.json" file, in the "nav_modes" configuration option (item 13 above). Each navigation mode entry must be a JSON object with the following items:
- "id" - A unique identifier for this navigation mode; MUST match the name of a folder in the theme's "navigation" directory (String)
- "name" - A text identifier for the navigation mode; will be displayed when selecting the navigation mode in project authoring and/or run settings (String)
- "description" - A short text description of the theme's major features (String)
- "screenshot" - Preview screenshot of theme (File path relative to theme root)
- "css" - Extra CSS files required by the navigation mode (Array of file paths relative to theme root)
- "js" - Extra Javascript files required by the navigation mode (Array of file paths relative to theme root)
Every WISE VLE theme MUST include at least 1 (one) navigation mode.
For each navigation mode, you must include a corresponding folder (with the same name as the navigation mode's "id" attribute) in the "navigation" directory which is located at the root level of the theme.
Each navigation mode folder must include the following:
- "nav.js" file - This file specifies the HTML for navigation menu components (nodes and sequences), defines the navigation menu toggle event, and also specifies any navigation events to register with the VLE event dispatcher. REQUIRED items are noted as such in the "nav.js" files in the sample 'wise' theme. Theme creators can also define customizations to add when both the navigation menu has been created in the DOM and a when new step has been opened by a student, and can also add any other custom events they would like. (See the "nav.js" files included with the sample 'wise' theme's navigation modes for more details.)
- "nav.css" file - This file includes any navigation menu specific CSS and theme customizations.
- Any other assets (images, for example) that the navigation mode uses
The WISE VLE project theme architecture supports internationalized text (based on the WISE installation's locale setting). If you would like to enable internationalization for your theme, ensure that the "i18n_enabled" setting in the theme's "config.json" file is set to true and that you include the "i18n" folder in your theme's root directory. The "i18n" folder must include an "i18n_[locale].json" file for each locale you want to support.
For each internationalized text/HTML item you would like to use in the DOM, add an entry to each of your "i18n_[locale].js" files. i18n items should be written in the following format:
"key_value":{ "value":"The text or html to insert", "description":"A short description of where this text is used" }
To insert i18n text into your theme's DOM, simply invoke the view's "getI18NString" function in any of the NavigationPanel.prototype functions in the "nav.js" files for your navigation modes in this manner: "this.view.getI18NString('key_value','theme')" (where "this" is the NavigationPanel prototype object). Be sure to include the 'theme' parameter as the second argument of the getI18NString function call.
For example (using the sample i18n item above),
will result in this HTML:
<div id="sample">The text or html to insert<div>
See the included "i18n" folder and "nav.js" files included in the sample 'wise' theme for examples.