- 调整高度为700
- 支持@用户
- options page only user add now.
- add at user suggestions
- support file upload
- text blur() when it close.
- 修复rtrt的显示问题; 左右切换快捷键支持循环 #3; 修复第一次加载tab未自动判断隐藏的问题;
- #3 add m for cheat sheet, http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/6cfc7910jw1dxlil8srzxj.jpg
- basic shortcuts done. #3
- #3 add more shortcuts
- #3 add shortcuts support and fixed options page
- support emotion
- add ga and fixed text link open
- 评论也走ViewCache,解决text内容丢失的问题,如表情无法回复了。
- tab click更新逻辑增加详细注释和增加当前tab判断逻辑 #1
- #1 open url on browser.
- 依赖weibo@0.6.4
- 支持私信查看
- auto detech support timeline
- open link in openNewWindow; add shorten url expands
- follow and unfollow
- display friend ship infomation on user timeline.
- 让评论列表和转发列表样式好看些 #1
- 新消息刷新逻辑小变更
- @user 查看完善,表情处理,自定义appkeys #1
- 修复新微博提示
- fixed user timeline
- 修复新消息查询的第一次过程;头像未读详细提示
- fixed cache not delete problem; repost and check new.
- 解决转发问题
- comments() list
- support repost list
- 支持评论和查看评论列表
- support count()
- upload done.
- 发微博,分页功能,自动刷新完成.
- 用户切换完成
- timeline 分页显示基本功能完成
- add retweeted_status display well.
- image preview done
- init by setting.apps
- the first runable commit.
- use fawave resources
- use browserify and node-webkit.
- add client
- add design
- add design
- fawave desktop project init