Tools | Description |
CucumberJVM | BDD layer |
JUnit | Assertion library |
Selenium-WebDriver | Test framework |
Java | Test scripting language |
Rest Assured | API testing |
Hamcrest | Assertion library |
Maven | Build tool |
- Git. Add the ssh keys to your profile on Gitlab
- An IDE, which supports Java and Gherkin(for Cucumber). The one used is IntelliJ. Add the - Gherkin and Cucumber for Java plugin to the IDE.
- Java JDK 7. Version used is 7.80
- Maven. Version used is 3.3.9
- Open Terminal
- Type vim
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
- Click ESC then type :wq (save and quit in vim)
- Then type
source .bash_profile
echo $PATH
if you see the path you are all set.
brew install geckodriver
git clone
git clone
Note: Before running the tests make sure that Wiremock server is up java -jar wiremock-1.55-standalone.jar
To execute all tests mvn test