Credit to Scintilla Hub
- With a Google account, generate an authentication key at Google AI Developer. Copy and save the key, it will only be visible at the time of creation.
- Create an account at Amazon and log into Alexa Developer Console.
Create an Alexa-hosted Skill (Python) on Alexa: (Create Skill)
- Name your Skill: Choose a name of your choice, e.g., Chat with Gemini
- Choose a primary locale, e.g., Portuguese (BR)
- Click Next. In Experience Type, select: Other > Custom > Alexa-hosted (Python)
- Hosting region: You can leave the default US East (N. Virginia)
- In Templates: Click Import Skill
- Enter the repository address: and confirm.
When you finish importing Invocations > Skill Invocation Name:
- Edit Skill Invocation Name. This will be the invoking command for your skill. Pay attention to word requirements and restrictions.
- Click Save
- Build the Skill by clicking Build Skill. When finished, go to the tab Code
- Create a file inside the Lambda folder called .env and add the line, adding the generated API key:
- Click Save and then click Deploy
When deploy finishes, go to the tab Test:
- In Skill testing is enabled in, turn it from Off to Development
- To use voice commands, accept the website's request to use the microphone, and to speak, click and hold the mic icon, and release to send
- Use the configured activation command to start the Skill, and you're ready to interact with Gemini via Alexa!
The Skill will now be available on all Alexa devices linked to your account.