Active Development
Fast Long-noncoding RNA Assembly Workflow (FLORA) is a collection of easy-to-use command line tools for fast lncRNA transcriptome assembly from RNA-seq BAM files. It was initially developed by Hongyu Shi and is still under active development by other members of Wang Lab at HKUST.
• bedtools (
• CPAT (
• (optional) CPAT prebuilt logit model and hexamer table files (
• GTF files from Gencode (
• GTF files and assembly report from Refseq (
• gProfilerR package in R (
Download/Clone the repository and change the working directory to the FLORA directory
python install
Starting from bam files, generates prefiltered bam files by automatically removing reads with low mapping quality and reads mapped to ribosomal RNAs (built in for hg38, hg19, mm10, mm9, danRer11, danRer10, dm6). In addition, user-defined list of gene types (such as protein-coding, pseudogenes, immunoglobin and T-cell receptor genes) can also be filtered out from the bam files.
usage: generateFilteredBams [-h] -g INPUTGTF [-t TYPES [TYPES ...]]
positional arguments:
inputBams The path to a txt file that contains paths to input
bam files separated by the newline character.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit.
-g INPUTGTF The path to reference gene annotation file in GTF
format. It can be downloaded from gencode website.
-t TYPES [TYPES ...] The gene types to be removed from BAM files.
-o OUTPUTDIR Output directory for the output files.
-n NTHREAD Number of threads to be used for bedtools intersect.
Example: -g reference.gtf -t protein_coding inputBams.txt
Transcriptome assembly can be achieved with StringTie from the preprocessed RNA-seq data. Since this step can be slow on large datasets, we recommend running StringTie on high-performance clusters in parallel (example code provided below). Assembled transcripts in each sample were selected for merging by Stringtie merge with customized parameters (parameter settings in our manuscript: (A) longer than 200 nucleotides; (B) with expression level over 0.1 TPM and 0.1 FPKM; (C) account for over 10% of all isoforms from the same loci).
# StringTie
stringtie clean.bam -o clean.bam.gtf -G reference.long_noncoding_RNAs.gtf
# StringTie Merge: merge multiple clean.bam.gtf to one merge.gtf
stringtie --merge -m 200 -F 0.1 -T 0.1 -f 0.1 -o merge.gtf clean.bam.gtf.list identify prospective lncRNAs from the assembled transcriptome. Transcripts are commonly selected as prospective lncRNAs by the following criteria: (A) longer than 200 nucleotides; (B) containing two or more exons; (C) coding potential score larger than 0.364 as predicted by Coding Potential Assessment Tool (CPAT). -r reference.fa -x Human_Hexamer.tsv -m Human_logitModel.RData -o FLORA_out merge.gtf
usage: filterTranscript [-h] -r REFERENCE [-e EXON] [-l LENGTH] [-c CPAT] -x
positional arguments:
inputGTF Input transcriptome file in GTF format. Can be output from
stringtie or cufflinks.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit.
-r REFERENCE The path to reference genome sequences in FASTA format. It
will be indexed automatically by CPAT if .fai file is not
-e EXON The least number of exons a transcipt should have in order to
be kept in the final transcriptome. Default: 2.
-l LENGTH The shortest transcript to be kept in the final transcriptome.
Default: 200.
-c CPAT CPAT cutoff used to filter transcripts. Default: 0.364
-x HEXAMER The path to hexamer table required by CPAT. Can be downloaded
from CPAT website.
-m LOGIT The path to logit model required by CPAT. Can be downloaded
CPAT website.
-o OUTPUTGTF Output prefix for the final transcriptome GTF file.
Example: -r reference.fa -x Human_Hexamer.tsv -m Human_logitModel.RData -o lncRNA.gtf merge.gtf utilizes cuffcompare to compare the prospective lncRNAs with reference annotation (downloadable from Gencode, RefSeq, Ensembl; allowed up to 3 GTF files in the comparison), and lncRNA-expressing loci with no overlap with known genomic features were defined as novel. A detailed report of each lncRNA loci and its overlapping genes, as well as a GTF containing only novel lncRNA loci are generated.
./ lncRNA.gtf Gencode.gtf Ensembl.gtf RefSeq.gtf
FLORA predicted the potential functions of lncRNA(s) based on expression data. functionalPrediction.R provides different correlation methods(Pearson, Spearman, Distance) to construct network, which can also further combines with the gene transcriptional network. Later, all coding genes with significant associations with the target lncRNA are selected to perform Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis with g-profiler. This step will output the list of genes with significant associations with the target lncRNA ( and the enriched GO terms of the genes associated with the target lncRNA (LINCX.GO.txt and LINCX.GO.pdf).
Optional, gene transcriptional network can be constructed by ARACNe-AP software ( based on normalized expression data. To obtain a stable network, 100 reproducible bootstraps were performed and consolidated (time-consuming step, we recommend network construction in parallel on high-performance clusters; example code provided below).
Example code for ARACNe-AP:
# Perform 100 bootstrapping and network reconstruction
for i in {1..100}
java -Xmx120G -jar .../aracne.jar -e .../expression.matrix.txt -o output/ --tfs .../lnc_tf.txt --pvalue 1E-8 --seed $i
) &
# Generating consensus network
java -Xmx120G -jar .../aracne.jar -o output/ --consolidate
To analyze the genes associated with the lncRNAs in gastric cancer, our example code is provided below to automatically output the significantly associated genes and GO terms. Additionally, the gene transcription network constructed by ARACNe-AP based on the normalized expression of all coding genes and lncRNAs in gastric cancer is provided (example/data/ARACNe_network.txt).
Example code for predicting the function of "H19" and "LINC01614" (your lncRNA(s) of interest):
Rscript functionalPrediction.R -a example/data/ -b example/data/ -c example/data/lnc.FPKM.txt -d example/data/coding.FPKM.txt -m spearman -o output -i H19,LINC01614 -x 0.5 -n data/ARACNe_network.txt
Usage: functionalPrediction.R [-h] -a LncInfo -b CodingInfo -c LncExpr -d CodingExpr -o OutputDir -i LINC1,LINC2,LINC3,... -m CorMethod [-n ARACNeNetwork] [-x CorCutoff] [-y CorAdjpCutoff] [-z GOCutoff] [-p PorN]
-a|--LncInfo information of lncRNAs, including and
-b|--CodingInfo information of coding genes, including and
-c|--LncExpr expression of lncRNAs
-d|--CodingExpr expression of coding genes
-o|--OutputDir output directory
-i|--LINC the name(s) of your lncRNA(s) of interest, separated by ","
-m|--CorMethod correlation method, CorMethod = c("pearson", "spearman", "distance")
optional arguments:
-h|--Help help
-n|--ARACNeNetwork output network of ARACNe, optional
-x|--CorCutoff cutoff for correlation coefficient. by default use = 0
-y|--CorAdjpCutoff cutoff for correlation adjust p-value. by default use = 0.001
-z|--GOCutoff cutoff for GO terms p-value. by default use = 0.001
-p|--PorN PorN = c("positive", "negative", "all"). "positive", "negative" or "all" related coding genes are used to do the prediction. by default use = "positive"
outputs: # table of genes connected with LINCX
LINCX.GO.txt # table of significant GO terms associated with LINCX
LINCX.GO.pdf # figure of significant GO terms associated with LINCX
21 Jan 2020