Classes schedule management application (API)
El Plano is a self hosted class schedule management REST API server built with Rails and based on JSON API specification.
- Ruby 2.6.5
- Rails 5.2.2+
- Postgresql 9.5+
- Redis 2.8+
Clone the repo.
git clone
Move into the project directory and install the requirements.
cd elplano-api && bundle install
Create and configure .env file.
mv .env.example .env
Set up the database.
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
Start the application development server.
rails s
Install docker-compose.
Create and configure .env file.
mv .env.example .env
Move into the project directory and start app via docker-compose.
cd elplano-api && docker-compose up -d
Running all tests.
bundle exec rspec
Running a specific test file.
bundle exec rspec ./spec/path/to/file
Generate/Update API documentation.
bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance --format RspecApiDocumentation::ApiFormatter
See API documentation.