This repository contains the labs' handbook for IM939: Data Science Across Disciplines, created by Carlos Cámara-Menoyo, Cagatay Turkay and James Tripp.
The handbook uses quarto.
Render book locally:
From the book's root:
quarto render
If you want the cache to be regenerated:
quarto render --cache-refresh
Publishing book to github pages:
quarto publish gh-pages
- Notebook embedding:
Virtual environments are a way to install all the dependencies (and their right version) required for a certain project by isolating python and libraries' specific versions. Every person who recreatesthe virtual environment will be using the same packages and versions, reducing errors and increasing reproducibility.
In this project, virtual environments are managed by conda
, which means that you should have Anaconda distribution installed (Read installing instructions on their website)
Activate virtual environment
conda activate env/
or, if it is stored in env/
conda activate env/
Deactivate virtual environment:
conda deactivate
Update virtual environment from environment.yml
conda env update -f environment.yml
Recreate virtual environment from environment.yml
conda env create -f environment.yml
or, if we want to install the environment within the project:
conda env create --prefix env -f environment.yml
Freeze used dependencies into a file
We can create a file (in this case environment.yml
) containing the exact libraries and versions used in the current environment. This can be useful to update the versions used in the environment in the future.
conda env export > environment.yml