Ardmin is a cheap, lightweight GPS device for bikes.
This project is made to replicate other bike computers. There is a GPS speedometer, tracking average speed of a ride, as well as the top speed. The GPS module also tracks the ride distance. When no motion is detected for a configurable amount of time, the Ardmin automatically pauses the ride, and displays a more detailed summary of the current ride statistics.
- NEO 6M GPS module
- Adafruit PowerBoost 500 Charger
- 3.3v Voltage regulator
- 0.96" I2C Yellow-Blue SSD1306 OLED
- Pro Mini 3.3v ATMega 328p
- Toggle Switch
As with all great projects, the casing is made from an old pizza box. Plans are underway to create a 3d printed case, however.
This project uses the genius SSD1306 Text only library to save RAM.
In order to interact with the NEO 6M module, the NeoGPS library is used.
When using an arduino mini, there are not enough hardware serial ports. To get arount this, use the NeoSWSerial library
All of these libraries must be installed and placed into your Arduino Libraries folder before the software can be flashed.
NeoGPS requires quite a bit of setup to work, but it is definitely worth the ssetup.
- 3D model case
- Add pictures and working demo video
- More Garmin features
- Calories burned here
- Power percentage