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A Spigot plugin that lets you create and place small presents in your Minecraft worlds for other players to find and open them.

This is an open source realisation of Presents [Geschenke!].


  1. Head over to the releases section and download the latest version
  2. Drag the file into the plugins directory of your server
  3. Restart or reload the server
  4. Done!


With presents, you create reusable "present types" that define a texture, sounds and effects as well as a list of commands to run when a player opens a present of that type. Based on those types, you get actual present items to place in game.


Create a type using /present config <name>. This will initiate a configuration dialogue in chat that you may abandon at any time by typing abort.


First, you will be asked to enter a list of commands that should be run when a player opens a present. The commands will be run as if they were typed in the console, so omit the /!. You can use this to say something to the player, to add money to their economy balance, to give them a special item or effect - be creative! You can use %player% as a placeholder for the player's name.

For example, adding the command say %player% just found a present! will result in [Server] Johnny just found a present! when Johnny opens a present of that type.


You will then need to provide a head texture. You can find such textures in the minecraft heads database in the Value field.

For example, the texture value for a purple present is eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzU0MTlmY2U1MDZhNDk1MzQzYTFkMzY4YTcxZDIyNDEzZjA4YzZkNjdjYjk1MWQ2NTZjZDAzZjgwYjRkM2QzIn19fQ==. You can find this directly beneath the "Other" section. Click Copy to copy the value to the clipboard, and use Ctrl + V to paste it in Minecraft chat.

Sound And Effect

You then have the option to set a sound and an effect that will run every second at the locations you place presents of this type. If you don't want any sound or effect, you can skip setting them by typing skip. You can find a list of all available sounds/effects in the official Spigot docs. Note that the names of some sounds or effects may vary from version to version and some may not even be available in earlier versions.

For example, setting the sound to block note block pling and the effect to villager plant grow will result in the present emitting a "pling" sound and green sparkles every second.

In Game Presents

To see all available present types, use /present list

To get a present item you can place, use /present get <name>. To give a present item to other players, use /present get <name> <player1> <player2> .... After having placed a present, it can be opened with a right click. Opening a present means it will run the list of commands for the opener and disappear.


Changes to a present type (by running /present config <name> again) will reflect upon already placed presents with the exception of changes in texture. So you can place 100 presents of type x and afterwards still change the list of commands, sound and effect of type x, but changing the texture won't have any effect on the already placed presents.

Present Deletion

By running /present delete <name>, you can delete a present type. This will also remove all placed presents of this type from the world.


All /present commands require the permission presents.all to be run.