WebEngage integration for analytics-android
To install the WebEngage-Segment integration, simply add this line to your app build.gradle file:
compile 'com.webengage:android-segment:2.+'
After adding the dependency, you must register the WebEngage's destination in your Segment's Analytics instance. To do this, import the WebEngage integration:
import com.webengage.sdk.android.integrations.segment.WebEngageIntegration;
And add the following line:
analytics = new Analytics.Builder(this, "write_key")
Please follow our android push notification documentation
No further action is required to integrate in-app messages.
Please include the following rules in your proguard file.
-keep class com.webengage.sdk.android.**{*;}
-dontwarn com.webengage.sdk.android.**
For advanced integration options such as attribution and location tracking, please visit the advanced section of our Android documentation.
WebEngage has created a sample Android application that integrates WebEngage via Segment. Check it out at our Gitub repo.