ext {
artifactId = ''
libraryName = ''
libraryDescription = ''
apply from: 'https://raw.github.com/WeiLianYang/gradle-publish/master/publish.gradle'
// If the GitHub address is not accessible, you can also use Gitee's address
// apply from: 'https://gitee.com/yc_android/gradle-publish/raw/main/publish.gradle'
# config
siteUrl=https://github.com/xxx/xxx // Project home page
gitUrl=https://github.com/xxx/xxx.git // Project git address
# developer
developerId=xxx // sonatype fullname
developerName=xxx // sonatype name
developerEmail=xxx@xxx.com // Developer email, preferably Sonatype email
# license
licenseName=The Apache License, Version 2.0
You need to configure the username and password in the home gradle.properties. The location defaults to USER_HOME/.gradle/gradle.properties.
# mavenCentral config data
signing.keyId=The last 8 bits of GPG certificate fingerprint
signing.password=GPG password
signing.secretKeyRingFile=GPG certificate path
# sonatype account
If you don't have a GPG certificate, create a new one by referring to the documentation
gradle uploadArchives