Telegram-Algolink is a project designed to integrate Algolink functionalities with Telegram, allowing users to interact with Algolink services directly through the Telegram bot
- Connect with Pera Wallet: Seamlessly integrate with the Pera Wallet for easy transactions.
- Create Algolink to Receive Algo: Generate a link using the bot that can be shared with other users or sent to Telegram groups to receive donations.
- Send Algo: Users can quickly send Algo to the creator when they receive Algolinks.
To install the project, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd Telegram-Algolink
- Install the required dependencies:
npm install
- Start the algolink-connect:
cd algolink-connect npm run dev
- Hosting the algolink-connect using ngrok:
ngrok http domain yourdomain 5173
- Copy the ngrok url and paste it in the bot.js file in line 10
- Open new terminal and start the algolink-BE:
cd algolink-BE npm run dev
- Open new terminal and start the bot:
node bot.js