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Random as a service

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Have you ever needed some random but no access to /dev/random? Well I have the solution for you! With the power of Rust, Microservices and Edge Computing you can generate your passwords anywhere with an internet connection!!!1! [1]
Get a response in the format we all know and love (JSON) by default, or a shot of that sweet pure random-y goodness with literally any other Content-Type header!
Want more then the default 32 characters of randomness brewed just for you? We have a solution for that! If you feel like practicing REST, simply use the "size" header to get as many characters as you need! If you're a geezer, use url params. Hell, you don't even have to format them. It just works! .
With 99.9999999 (THATS NINE 9'S) of guaranteed uptime [2], you can count on us for your randomness needs. That’s a level of availability most corporations can only dream of! You now have access to an unlimited amount [3] of randomness. Kiss /dev/random goodbye!
Still unsure? Worried about the security of the random-ness? Don't! We use Military Grade Encryption [4] to ensure that no one else on the line can view your bits.


This is a cloudflare worker I made to test how their worker system works, and lets me play with wasm and Rust. By default the API returns in the following schema: {"value":"KKpR1al9JZTFOHXeGrb9yUuhppiunC0O"} . Feel free to use the app for whatever you want. HTTPS only. Use the "size" header to change the size, and use any "Content-Type" header that isn't "application/json" to get a raw output. The API also accepts a "size" url param. . Since I am using the cloudflare worker free tier, the endpoint is capped at 100,000 calls per day, with a maximum compute time of 10ms. Because of that 10ms time cap, very large responses might timeout. BSD licensed.


Example curl:

curl -H "size : 1000"
curl -H "size : 10" -H "Content-Type : application/plain"


If you are going to re-create this, make sure to add a wrangler.toml with your info.

name = "randomaas"
type = "rust"
account_id = "MY_ID"
workers_dev = true
route = ""
zone_id = "MY_ZONE"

Use wrangler publish to upload the API to cloudflare.

[1] randomness not proven
[2] not guaranteed
[3] free tier limited to 100,000 calls per day. Void where prohibited
[4] literally whatever TLS you call it with