Interactive Python/boto3 script for rotating/rebooting EC2 instances in an ECS cluster.
ecsroll uses a combination of AWS EC2 & ECS functionality to execute one of two actions:
- 'replace': rotate an ECS cluster to all-new EC2 instances
- 'reboot': reboot the EC2 instances making up an ECS cluster
The basic mechanism:
- Adds an extra 'overflow' instance to the target ECS cluster, using EC2 ASG.
- Uses ECS container instance draining to cycle instances out of the cluster and EC2 APIs to perform necessary instance changes/maintenance.
- Returns the ASG to its original size, after applying scale-in protection to necessary instances.
YMMV, but if you combine this with Amazon Linux, which installs available patches at boot time, then it's a straightforward way to update your EC2 instances without downtime.
Recently I've started using needs-restarting, which reduced the steps required for the 'replace' action and would also allow the 'reboot' steps in this script to be simplified.
The script is currently quite interactive (presents a y/n for each instance is works on) by default, but has CLI flags for a more unattended experience. See the usage below.
python replace --cluster test-ecs-cluster -w 10 # Replace instances in `test-ecs-cluster`, use 10s as the base action timer (to have a slightly quicker feedback loop, but potentially more prompts)
python reboot --cluster test-ecs-cluster -r env -y # Reboot cluster `test-ecs-cluster`, use AWS credentials from Environment variables and automatically respond yes to any prompts
$ python -h
usage: ecsroll [-h] [--cluster [CLUSTER]] [--profile [PROFILE]]
[--wait [WAIT]] [--provider [{profile,env}]] [--yes]
AWS ECS Maintenance Script
positional arguments:
action Action to take (default: 'replace')
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cluster [CLUSTER], -c [CLUSTER]
Name of ECS cluster to maintain (default: 'test-ecs-cluster')
--profile [PROFILE], -p [PROFILE]
Name of AWS profile to target (default: 'default')
--wait [WAIT], -w [WAIT]
Base for timer to wait between actions (default: '30')
--provider [{profile,env}], -r [{profile,env}]
AWS credential provider method to use (default:
'profile', choose from ['profile','env'])
--yes, -y Answers 'yes' to all prompts