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Sebastian Krajewski edited this page Apr 24, 2022 · 6 revisions


Option Type Range Description
TrailStyle Integer 1-4 Changes between different trail styles. Available styles:
1 - Unified color
2 - Distance-based rainbow
3 - Time-based rainbow
4 - Constant gradient
Style23Speed Decimal N/A Determines the hue speed for styles 2 & 3. °/ms or °/osu!pixel
Style4Shift Decimal N/A Determines the shift for style 4. Value of 1 means that hue at the end of the trail will be shifted by 360°
Colors Custom N/A See below
EnableCustomTagColorOffset Boolean true/false Enables/Disables custom tag color offset
TagColorOffset Decimal N/A Determines the custom tag color offset in (° of H)
EnableTrailGlow Boolean true/false Enables/Disables trail glow
EnableCustomTrailGlowOffset Boolean true/false Enables/Disables custom trail glow offset
TrailGlowOffset Integer N/A Determines the custom trail glow offset (° of H)
ScaleToCS Boolean true/false Not implemented yet: Enables/Disables scaling cursor with circle-size (Works like auto-cursor size in osu!)
CursorSize Integer N/A Determines the size of the cursor
CursorExpand Boolean true/false Enables/Disables cursor expanding on click
ScaleToBeat Boolean true/false Enables/Disables scaling the cursor to the beat
ShowCursorOnBreaks Boolean true/false Shows/Hides the cursor on breaks
BounceOnEdges Boolean true/false Enables/Disables cursor bouncing on edges
TrailScale Decimal N/A Determines the scale multiplier for the cursor trail
TrailEndScale Decimal N/A Determines the scale multiplier for the cursor trail end
TrailDensity Decimal N/A Determines the density for the cursor trail
TrailMaxLength Integer N/A Determines the maximum length for the cursor trail
TrailRemoveSpeed Decimal N/A Determines the removal speed for the cursor trail
GlowEndScale Decimal N/A Determines the scale for the cursor trail glow end
InnerLengthMult Decimal N/A Multiplier for the cursor trail inner length
AdditiveBlending Boolean true/false Enables/Disables additive blending for the cursor trail
CursorRipples Boolean true/false Enables/Disables cursor ripples
SmokeEnabled Boolean true/false Enables/Disables cursor smoke


Option Type Range Description
EnableRainbow Boolean true/false Enables/Disables rainbow for the cursor
RainbowSpeed Decimal N/A Determines the speed for the rainbow (°/s of H)
BaseColor HSV H: 0-360
S: 0-1
V: 0-1
Determines the starting color for the cursor
EnableCustomHueOffset Boolean true/false Enables/Disables custom hue offset for mirrored cursors
HueOffset Decimal N/A Determines the hue offset for mirrored cursors in °
FlashToTheBeat Boolean true/false Enables/Disables flashing to the beat
FlashAmplitude Decimal N/A Determines the amplitude for the flashing to the beat (° of H)

Default values:

"Cursor": {
	"TrailStyle": 1,
	"Style23Speed": 0.18,
	"Style4Shift": 0.5,
	"Colors": {
		"EnableRainbow": true,
		"RainbowSpeed": 8,
		"BaseColor": {
			"Hue": 0,
			"Saturation": 1,
			"Value": 1
		"EnableCustomHueOffset": false,
		"HueOffset": 0,
		"FlashToTheBeat": false,
		"FlashAmplitude": 0
	"EnableCustomTagColorOffset": true,
	"TagColorOffset": -36,
	"EnableTrailGlow": true,
	"EnableCustomTrailGlowOffset": true,
	"TrailGlowOffset": -36,
	"ScaleToCS": false,
	"CursorSize": 12,
	"CursorExpand": false,
	"ScaleToTheBeat": false,
	"ShowCursorsOnBreaks": true,
	"BounceOnEdges": false,
	"TrailScale": 1,
	"TrailEndScale": 0.4,
	"TrailDensity": 1,
	"TrailMaxLength": 2000,
	"TrailRemoveSpeed": 1,
	"GlowEndScale": 0.4,
	"InnerLengthMult": 0.9,
	"AdditiveBlending": true,
	"CursorRipples": true,
	"SmokeEnabled": true
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