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Add 2023 day 21
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WillFlame14 committed Dec 22, 2023
1 parent 26f36de commit 1ba4804
Showing 1 changed file with 73 additions and 0 deletions.
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions 2023/day21.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
(ns clojure-aoc.core (:gen-class)
(:require [clojure-aoc.grids :as grids]

(def input (-> (slurp "input.txt") (clojure.string/split #"\n")))

(def movements
(fn [grid loc]
(->> (grids/neighbours grid loc)
(filter #(let [char (grids/at grid %)] (or (= char \.) (= char \S))))))))

;; The number of steps can be calculated by keeping track of a frontier of nodes and the previous steps.
;; The new number of steps can be calculated using (new frontier + number of steps from 2 iterations ago).
(defn dests [grid start steps]
(loop [i 0 frontier #{start} last-frontier #{} last-sum 1 ll-sum 0]
(if (= i steps)
(let [reducer (fn [new-frontier loc]
(let [dests (movements grid loc)]
(into new-frontier (filter #(not (contains? last-frontier %)) dests))))
new-frontier (reduce reducer #{} frontier)]
(recur (inc i) new-frontier frontier (+ ll-sum (count new-frontier)) last-sum)))))

(def part1
(let [grid (map seq input)
start (grids/find-pred grid #(= \S (grids/at grid %)))]
(dests grid start 64)))

;; Not needed as part of the answer, but helpful to prove that 131 steps (from the centre) will cover the entire grid.
;; Thus, being able to reach the corner of a cell is sufficient to prove that the cell will be filled.
(defn steps-to-fill [grid start]
(loop [i 0 frontier #{start} last-frontier #{}]
(if (empty? frontier)
(let [reducer (fn [new-frontier loc]
(let [dests (movements grid loc)]
(into new-frontier (filter #(not (contains? last-frontier %)) dests))))
new-frontier (reduce reducer #{} frontier)]
(recur (inc i) new-frontier frontier)))))

(defn get-corners [dim]
[[0 0] [0 (dec dim)] [(dec dim) 0] [(dec dim) (dec dim)]])

(defn get-middles [dim]
(let [mid (quot dim 2)]
[[0 mid] [mid 0] [(dec dim) mid] [mid (dec dim)]]))

;; Because S is in the middle of a 131x131 grid and there's an unobstructed path along that row+column, along with the edges,
;; it is always optimal to start a cell at either one of the middle points or one of the corners.
;; Then, the number of tiles you can reach in cell (4, 3) is the same number of tiles as (3, 4), since both start in the bottom left corner.
;; After that, it's just math based on a checkerboard pattern and making sure you count the frontier of the diamond properly.
(def part2
(let [grid (map seq input)
dim (count grid)
mid (quot dim 2)
radius (dec (quot 26501365 dim))
start (grids/find-pred grid #(= \S (grids/at grid %)))
odd-steps (dests grid start dim)
even-steps (dests grid start (inc dim))
outers (map #(dests grid % (dec mid)) (get-corners dim))
inners (map #(dests grid % (+ mid dim -1)) (get-corners dim))
middles (map #(dests grid % (dec dim)) (get-middles dim))]
(->> [(* (Math/pow radius 2) odd-steps)
(* (Math/pow (inc radius) 2) even-steps)
(map #(* (inc radius) %) outers)
(map #(* radius %) inners)
(apply +))))

(defn -main [& args]
(println (str part1 " " part2)))

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