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WillFlame14 committed Dec 15, 2023
1 parent 72ea001 commit 3d0569e
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Showing 2 changed files with 153 additions and 0 deletions.
50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions 2023/grids.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
(ns clojure-aoc.grids
(:require [ :as tools]))

(def grid-dirs
{:up [0 -1]
:right [1 0]
:down [0 1]
:left [-1 0]})

(def opposite-dir
{:up :down
:left :right
:down :up
:right :left})

(defn turn [orig dir]
(let [index (tools/find-index #(= orig %) (keys grid-dirs))
new-index (-> index ((cond
(= dir :none) identity
(= dir :right) inc
(= dir :reverse) #(+ 2 %)
(= dir :left) #(+ 3 %))) (mod 4))]
(nth (keys grid-dirs) new-index)))

(defn at [grid [x y]]
(nth (nth grid y) x))

(defn rotate-cw [grid]
(->> (tools/transpose grid) (map reverse)))

(defn flip [grid]
(map reverse grid))

(defn square-partition [size grid]
(->> grid
(partition size)
(map #(->> (tools/transpose %)
(partition size)
(map tools/transpose)))
(apply concat)))

(defn in-bounds [grid [x y]]
(< -1 y (count grid))
(< -1 x (count (nth grid y)))))

(defn neighbours [grid loc]
(->> (vals grid-dirs)
(map #(map + loc %))
(filter #(in-bounds grid %))))
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions 2023/tools.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@

(defmacro debug [coll]
`(do (println ~coll) ~coll))

(defn queue
([] (clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY))
([coll] (reduce conj clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY coll)))

(defn find-index [pred coll]
(->> (map-indexed vector coll)
(filter #(pred (second %)))

(defn insert-at [coll value index]
(let [[l r] (split-at index coll)]
(concat l [value] r)))

(defn vec-remove
"remove elem in coll"
[pos coll]
(into (subvec coll 0 pos) (subvec coll (inc pos))))

(defn rotate [coll offset]
(let [[l r] (split-at offset coll)]
(concat r l)))

(defn swap [coll i j]
(let [vec (into (vector) coll)]
(-> vec (assoc i (vec j)) (assoc j (vec i)))))

(defn find-cycle [item f hash]
(loop [i 1 curr (f item) visited {(hash item) 0}]
(let [index (get visited (hash curr))]
(if (nil? index)
(recur (inc i) (f curr) (assoc visited (hash curr) i))
{:offset index
:cycle (->> (filter #(>= (second %) index) visited)
(sort-by second <)
(map first))}))))

(defn get-mode [coll]
(first (apply (partial max-key second) (seq (frequencies coll)))))

(defn transpose [m]
(apply mapv vector m))

(defn distance [p1 p2]
(->> (transpose [p1 p2])
(map #(Math/pow (apply - %) 2))
(apply +)

(defn quad-roots [a b c]
(= a b c 0) :all
(= a b 0) nil
(= a 0) (list (- (/ c b)))
:else (let [discrim (-> (Math/pow b 2) (- (* 4 a c)))]
(< discrim 0) nil
(= discrim 0.0) (list (-> (- b) (/ (* 2 a))))
:else (map #(-> (- b) (% (Math/sqrt discrim)) (/ (* 2 a))) [+ -])))))

(defn partition-with
[f coll]
(when-let [s (seq coll)]
(let [run (cons (first s) (take-while (complement f) (next s)))]
(cons run (partition-with f (seq (drop (count run) s))))))))

(defn split-all [pred items]
(when (seq items)
(apply conj (reduce (fn [[acc curr] x]
(if (pred x)
[(conj acc curr) []]
[acc (conj curr x)]))
[[] []] items))))

(defn split-including [pred items]
(when (seq items)
(butlast (apply conj (reduce (fn [[acc curr with?] x]
(if with?
(if (pred x)
[acc (conj curr x) true]
[(conj acc curr) [x] false])
(if (pred x)
[(conj acc curr) [x] true]
[acc (conj curr x) false])
[[] [] false] items)))))

(defn gcd [a b]
(if (zero? b)
(recur b (mod a b))))

(defn lcm_helper [a b]
(/ (* a b) (gcd a b)))

(defn lcm [& vals]
(reduce lcm_helper vals))

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