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Add 2023 day 17
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WillFlame14 committed Dec 18, 2023
1 parent af77672 commit 55b18dc
Showing 1 changed file with 69 additions and 0 deletions.
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions 2023/day17.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
(ns clojure-aoc.core (:gen-class)
(:require [clojure-aoc.grids :as grids]
[ :refer [priority-map]]

(def input (-> (slurp "input.txt") (clojure.string/split #"\n")))

;; We can make a small optimizaton in our dijkstra by not re-visiting locations with a smaller streak and heat value,
;; since that path is guaranteed to be better.

(defn traverse1 [grid]
(let [end (map (comp dec count) [(nth grid 0) grid])]
(loop [to-visit (priority-map [[0 0] :down 0 []] 0) best {[0 0] {:down {0 0}}} visited #{}]
(when-let [[[loc dir streak path] heat] (peek to-visit)]
(if (= loc end)
(do (println path) heat)
(let [neighbours (->> grids/grid-dirs
(filter (fn [[d _]] (every? #(not= d %) [(grids/opposite-dir dir) (if (= streak 3) dir nil)])))
(map (fn [[d c]] (vector (map + loc c) d)))
(filter (fn [[l _]] (grids/in-bounds grid l)))
(map (fn [[l d]] (vector [l d (if (= dir d) (inc streak) 1) (conj path l)] (+ heat (grids/at grid l)))))
(filter (fn [[[l d s _] h]]
(and (not (contains? visited [l d s]))
(if-let [loc-best (get-in best [l d])]
(not (some (fn [[best-s best-h]] (and (<= best-s s) (<= best-h h))) loc-best))
new-visit (into (pop to-visit) neighbours)
new-best (reduce (fn [acc [[l d s _] h]] (assoc-in acc [l d s] h)) best neighbours)
new-visited (conj visited [loc dir streak])]
(recur new-visit new-best new-visited)))))))

(defn traverse2 [grid]
(let [end (map (comp dec count) [(nth grid 0) grid])]
(loop [to-visit (priority-map [[0 0] :down 0 []] 0) best {[0 0] {:down {0 0}}} visited #{}]
(when-let [[[loc dir streak path] heat] (peek to-visit)]
(if (and (= loc end) (> streak 3))
(do (println path) heat)
(let [neighbours (->> grids/grid-dirs
(filter (fn [[d _]]
(< 0 streak 4) (= d dir)
(= streak 10) (every? #(not= % d) [(grids/opposite-dir dir) dir])
:else (not= d (grids/opposite-dir dir)))))
(map (fn [[d c]] (vector (map + loc c) d)))
(filter (fn [[l _]] (grids/in-bounds grid l)))
(map (fn [[l d]] (vector [l d (if (= dir d) (inc streak) 1) (conj path l)] (+ heat (grids/at grid l)))))
(filter (fn [[[l d s _] h]]
(and (not (contains? visited [l d s]))
(or (< s 4)
(if-let [loc-best (get-in best [l d])]
(not (some (fn [[best-s best-h]] (and (<= best-s s) (<= best-h h))) loc-best))
new-visit (into (pop to-visit) neighbours)
new-best (reduce (fn [acc [[l d s _] h]] (assoc-in acc [l d s] h)) best (filter (fn [[[_ _ s _] _]] (> s 3)) neighbours))
new-visited (conj visited [loc dir streak])]
(recur new-visit new-best new-visited)))))))

(def part1
(let [grid (->> (map seq input)
(map (fn [line] (map #(- (int %) (int \0)) line))))]
(traverse1 grid)))

(def part2
(let [grid (->> (map seq input)
(map (fn [line] (map #(- (int %) (int \0)) line))))]
(traverse2 grid)))

(defn -main [& args]
(println (str part1 " " part2)))

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