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Add 2023 day 25
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WillFlame14 committed Dec 25, 2023
1 parent 33e714a commit 9732c7a
Showing 1 changed file with 76 additions and 0 deletions.
76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions 2023/day25.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
(ns clojure-aoc.core (:gen-class)
(:require clojure.string))

(def input (-> (slurp "input.txt") (clojure.string/split #"\n")))

(defn parse-line [adjacency line]
(let [[name c] (clojure.string/split line #": ")
conns (clojure.string/split c #" ")
inserted-name (assoc adjacency name (into (or (get adjacency name) #{}) conns))]
(reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (conj (or (get %1 %2) #{}) name)) inserted-name conns)))

(defn shortest-path [start end adjacency]
(loop [to-visit (conj clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY [start []]) visited #{start}]
(if-let [[curr-loc used-conns] (peek to-visit)]
(if (= curr-loc end)
(let [neighbours (filter #(not (contains? visited %)) (adjacency curr-loc))
new-visits (map #(vector % (conj used-conns [curr-loc %])) neighbours)]
(recur (into (pop to-visit) new-visits) (into visited neighbours))))

;; If the algorithm doesn't find a minimum cut, try increasing the number of nodes y can be.
;; This increases time usage but is more likely to be correct.
(defn most-used-connections [adjacency]
(let [nodes (map first adjacency)
paths (for [x nodes y (take 50 nodes) :while (not= x y)]
(shortest-path x y adjacency))]
(->> (map seq paths)
(apply concat)

(defn visit-all [adjacency node]
(loop [to-visit (conj clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY node) visited #{node}]
(if-let [curr-loc (peek to-visit)]
(let [neighbours (filter #(not (contains? visited %)) (adjacency curr-loc))]
(recur (into (pop to-visit) neighbours) (into visited neighbours)))

(defn disconnect [adjacency snips]
(let [reducer (fn [acc [n1 n2]]
(let [interm (assoc acc n1 (disj (get acc n1) n2))]
(assoc interm n2 (disj (get acc n2) n1))))]
(reduce reducer adjacency snips)))

(defn still-connected? [adjacency snips]
(let [new-adjacency (disconnect adjacency snips)
connected (visit-all new-adjacency (first (first adjacency)))]
[(- (count adjacency) (count connected)) (count connected)]))

(defn all-distinct? [coll]
(= (count coll) (count (distinct coll))))

(defn minimum-cut [adjacency top-conns]
(let [cuts (for [x top-conns y top-conns z top-conns
:while (not= x y z)
:when (all-distinct? (flatten [x y z]))]
[x y z])]
(->> cuts
(map #(still-connected? adjacency %))
(filter #(not= (first %) 0))

;; Takes about 5 minutes to run, but it's good enough.
;; Finds the shortest path between a bunch of nodes and notes the top 6 connections used.
;; Tries removing 3 of those connections until the graph is no longer connected.
(def part1
(let [adjacency (reduce parse-line {} input)
top-conns (->> (most-used-connections adjacency)
(sort-by second)
(take-last 6)
(map first))]
(minimum-cut adjacency top-conns)))

(defn -main [& args]
(println part1))

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