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WillFlame14 committed Dec 12, 2023
1 parent 32684de commit cf8beef
Showing 1 changed file with 119 additions and 0 deletions.
119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions 2023/day10.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
(ns clojure-aoc.core (:gen-class)
(:require [ :as tools]
[clojure-aoc.grids :as grids]

(def input (-> (slurp "input.txt") (clojure.string/split #"\n")))

(def pipes
{\| [:up :down]
\- [:left :right]
\L [:up :right]
\J [:up :left]
\7 [:down :left]
\F [:down :right]
\. []})

(defn find-start [grid]
(first (for [y (range (count grid))
x (range (count (nth grid y)))
:when (= (tools/at grid [x y]) \S)]
`(~x ~y))))

(defn find-neighbours [grid loc]
(->> tools/grid-dirs
(map (fn [[dir d]] [(map + d loc) dir]))
(filter (fn [[new-loc dir]]
(tools/in-bounds grid new-loc)
(let [pipe (tools/at grid new-loc)]
(some #(= % (grids/opposite-dir dir)) (pipes pipe))))))))

(defn traverse [grid [loc dir]]
(let [pipe (tools/at grid loc)
next-dir (first (filterv #(not= % (grids/opposite-dir dir)) (pipes pipe)))
next-loc (mapv + loc (tools/grid-dirs next-dir))]
[next-loc next-dir]))

(defn find-loop [grid]
(let [start (find-start grid)
start-next (first (find-neighbours grid start))]
(loop [path [] [loc _ :as curr] start-next]
(if (= loc start)
(conj path curr)
(recur (conj path curr) (traverse grid curr))))))

(def part1
(let [grid (map seq input)
pipe-loop (tools/debug (find-loop grid))]
(quot (count pipe-loop) 2)))

(defn flood
"Returns the set of all connected points, given a grid and a seq of walls."
[grid initial-loc walls]
(loop [to-visit [initial-loc] visited #{}]
(if-let [curr (peek to-visit)]
(let [neighbours (->> (tools/neighbours grid curr)
(filter (fn [new-loc]
(not (some #(contains? % new-loc) [walls visited]))
(every? #(not= % new-loc) to-visit)))))
new-visit (into (pop to-visit) neighbours)
new-visited (conj visited (apply list curr))]
(recur new-visit new-visited))

(defn turning-out?
"Returns whether the path turns outwards (e.g. enclosing ccw, moving right and encounting a 7 is an outward turn). "
[dir pipe cw?]
(let [other-dir (first (filterv #(not= % (grids/opposite-dir dir)) (pipes pipe)))]
(= (tools/turn dir (if cw? :left :right)) other-dir)))

;; Try to turn right (or left) at every step and dfs on the node to catch all connected squares.
;; If the path curves outwards, you also need to move forward and dfs on that node (catches edge cases).
(defn enclosed [grid cw?]
(let [pipe-loop (find-loop grid)
loop-locs (into #{} (map first pipe-loop))
rotate-dir (if cw? :right :left)
reducer (fn [visited [loc dir]]
(let [inside (map + loc (tools/grid-dirs (tools/turn dir rotate-dir)))
pipe (tools/at grid loc)
insides (if (and (some #(= % pipe) (seq "7JLF")) (turning-out? dir pipe cw?))
[inside (map + loc (tools/grid-dirs dir))]
valid-insides (filter #(and
(tools/in-bounds grid %)
(not (contains? loop-locs %))
(not (contains? visited %))) insides)
flooded (map #(flood grid % loop-locs) valid-insides)]
(reduce clojure.set/union visited flooded)))]
(reduce reducer #{} pipe-loop)))

(def part2
(let [grid (map seq input)]
(->> (map #(enclosed grid %) [true false])
(filter #(not (contains? % [0 0])))

(defn -main [& args]
(str part1 " " part2))

;; I leave this behind as a memory of my alternate solution that died to corners. RIP

; (defn inside [locs grid ind vert?]
; (println (str "looking in " ind))
; (loop [i 0 in? false total 0]
; (if (= i (if vert? (count grid) (count (nth grid ind))))
; total
; (let [pipe? (contains? locs i)
; char (tools/at grid (if vert? [ind i] [i ind]))
; new-in? (if (and pipe? (= char (if vert? \- \|))) (not in?) in?)
; new-total (if (and (not pipe?) in?) (inc total) total)]
; (if (and pipe? (= char (if vert? \- \|))) (println (str "toggle " i)) ())
; (if (and (not pipe?) in?) (println i) ())
; (recur (inc i) new-in? new-total)))))

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