Pong by Pascal Bosquet
Original code can be found here -> (http://www.pascalorama.com/megadrive-m68000-programming/)
Just me poking around Pascal Bosquet's code to get this running in GNU Assembly (GAS). I'm currently learning the M68000 and Mega Drive/Genesis programming, this code just took a bit figuring out how the header should look like and getting the make file just right. I don't see a lot of newer examples online using GAS, figured others would find this useful so I decided to put this on Github.
If you don't have a tool chain installed already, I have a script for Linux or Windows to get you set up. There are also SGDK and Marsdev as options if you want to code in C instead of GNU Assembly.
For debugging, I use Blast 'Em. Modify the makefile to use whatever emulator you like.