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14.-My-Leetcode-Solutions 🎯

Here are some of my accepted attempts at some Leetcode questions. And hey, I managed to learn how to automate the process of updating my file whenever I solved and upload a new solution to a Leetcode question in this repository!

My Leetcode account:

Disclaimer: I am a student programmer, these solutions that I have attached in this repository are not perfect answers to the Leetcode questions (in terms of design and Time and Space Big O Notation Complexity), but are just merely my sharing of my own approach to the questions (in terms of design and Time and Space Big O Notation Complexity). They do answer the Leetcode questions, but there are definitely better answer codes out there.

List of Leetcode Questions Solved

Auto Update

No. Leetcode Question Index Leetcode Question Title Solution Difficulty
1 1 two sum Python Easy
2 3 longest substring without repeating characters Python Medium
3 9 palindrome number Python Easy
4 13 roman to integer Python Easy
5 20 valid parentheses Python Easy
6 24 swap nodes in pairs Python Medium
7 26 remove duplicates from sorted array Python Easy
8 27 remove element Python Easy
9 58 length of last word Python Easy
10 66 plus one Python Easy
11 75 sort colors Python Medium
12 83 remove duplicates from sorted list Python Easy
13 118 pascals triangle Python Easy
14 136 single number Python Easy
15 155 min stack Python Medium
16 169 majority element Python Easy
17 202 happy number Python Easy
18 217 contains duplicate Python Easy
19 263 ugly number Python Easy
20 374 guess number higher or lower Python Easy
21 387 first unique character in a string Python Easy
22 392 is subsequence Python Easy
23 412 fizz buzz Python Easy
24 455 assign cookies Python Easy
25 506 relative ranks Python Easy
26 859 buddy strings Python Easy
27 876 middle of the linked list Python Easy
28 997 find the town judge Python Easy
29 1455 check if a word occurs as a prefix of any word in a sentence Python Easy
30 1480 running sum of 1d array Python Easy
31 1615 maximal network rank Python Medium
32 1678 goal parser interpretation Python Easy
33 1700 number of students unable to eat lunch Python Easy
34 1791 find center of star graph Python Easy