A kit to easily create AWS Lambda custom runtime in go!
If you need a simple custom runtime, please see the documentation for Lambda container images.
Don't? Then let's create a crazy runtime with me!
go get github.com/WinterYukky/aws-lambda-custom-runtime-kit
Create struct that implemented AWSLambdaRuntime
, and call NewAWSLambdaCustomRuntime(runtime).Invoke()
type AWSLambdaRuntime interface {
Setup(env *AWSLambdaRuntimeEnvironemnt) error
Invoke(event []byte, context *Context) (interface{}, error)
Cleanup(env *AWSLambdaRuntimeEnvironemnt)
When result type of
is string, then string is output as is. Else marshal to json string.
AWS Lambda Custom Runtime kit abstracts the AWS Lambda runtime API and simplifies the creation of custom runtimes by writing only the necessary parts.
Next, the architecture of the AWS Lambda Custom Runtime kit is represented in the sequence diagram.
participant AWS Lambda
participant Custom runtime kit
actor Your runtime
AWS Lambda->>+Custom runtime kit: Init
Custom runtime kit->>+Your runtime: Setup()
Your runtime-->>-Custom runtime kit: error
opt return error
Custom runtime kit->>AWS Lambda: Initilize error
Custom runtime kit->>+AWS Lambda: Get an event
AWS Lambda-->>-Custom runtime kit: event
Custom runtime kit->>+Your runtime: Invoke()
Your runtime->>+Any: any logic
Any-->>-Your runtime: result
Your runtime-->>-Custom runtime kit: result, error
opt return error
Custom runtime kit->>AWS Lambda: Invoke error
Custom runtime kit->>+AWS Lambda: send result
Custom runtime kit->>Your runtime: Cleanup()
Custom runtime kit-->>-AWS Lambda: Shutdown
package main
import (
crkit "github.com/WinterYukky/aws-lambda-custom-runtime-kit"
func main() {
bashRuntime := BashRuntime{}
customRuntime := crkit.NewAWSLambdaCustomRuntime(bashRuntime)
if err := customRuntime.Invoke(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to invoke lambda: %v", err)
// BashRuntime is runtime that execute shell script.
type BashRuntime struct {}
// Setup is initialize phase of runtime.
// You can validate the invoked function in this phase.
// If you return error, Custom runtime kit responses initialize error to AWS Lambda and finish invoke.
func (b BashRuntime) Setup(env *crkit.AWSLambdaRuntimeEnvironemnt) error {
return nil
// Invoke is invoke phase of runtime.
// You need implement your runtime's behavior.
// You can return result and error.
// If you return error, Custom runtime kit responses invoke error to AWS Lambda and finish invoke.
// When you return result as string, then custom runtime kit responses string as it is.
// Else marshal to json string.
func (b BashRuntime) Invoke(event []byte, context *crkit.Context) (interface{}, error) {
source := fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v.sh", context.LambdaTaskRoot, context.Handler)
output, err := exec.Command("sh", source).Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// do not return []byte, cast to string
return string(output), nil
// Cleanup is shutdown phase of runtime.
func (b BashRuntime) Cleanup(env *crkit.AWSLambdaRuntimeEnvironemnt) {}
$ go build -a -tags netgo -installsuffix netgo --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -o bootstrap
$ zip runtime.zip bootstrap
You can upload runtime.zip as Lambda layer.
You can write script and invoke🎉
echo '{"body": "Hello World", "statusCode": 200}'
The script returns this output.
"body": "Hello World",
"statusCode": 200
Please see the AWS Lambda SQL Runtime repository
This runtime can writen lambda handler by SQL (sqlite3).
SELECT 'Hello World' body, 200 statusCode;
The SQL return this output.
"body": "Hello World",
"statusCode": 200