This operator allows you to create the data model needed by chart widgets to show developers' reliability-related data.
Be sure to have installed Node.js in your system. For example, you can install it on Ubuntu and Debian running the following commands:
curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm
If you want the last version of the operator, you should change to the develop
git checkout develop
Install other npm dependencies by running: (need root because some libraries use applications, check package.json before to be sure)
sudo npm install
For build the operator you need download grunt:
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
And now, you can use grunt:
If everything goes well, you will find a wgt file in the dist
Chart title
: The title to be given to the resulting chart.
Issue List
: The list of issues to be analysed.
Chart Data Model
: The data model to be passed to the highcharts widget.
If all the input issues have the same assignee, a pie chart will be displayed. If there are multiple assignees, a columch chart for each assignee will be displayed instead.
Copyright (c) 2016 CoNWeT Licensed under the Apache2 license.