App for using the services of the witch Crutch.
- Bootstrap v.4.5.2
- JQuery v.3.5.1
- Java Servlets v.4.0.1
- Freemarker template engine v.2.3.30
- JDBS PostgreSQL v.42.2.16
- Repository
- The goal is:
- to create a high-quality app;
- increase sales of witch Crutch services;
- increase the number of regular customers.
- Problem: clients who want to use the services of the witch Crutch are located in another city and can't always come to her office.
- Our solution: selection and recording of services via the app, the ability to conduct services online via chat.
- User authorization and registration, with the option to "remember me".
- User profile. Edit data: profile photo, first name, last name, email, and additional information. Service history and view the status of active services. Button to go to chat With the witch Crutch.
- Online chat. Designed for online consulting, for users who don't have the opportunity to come to the office to the witch Crutch.
- View services. Search by keywords. Filtering by popularity, cost and new products.
- Division of functionality between registered and unregistered users:
- An unregistered user cannot use the online chat and pay for services.
- An unregistered user can view the main page and the page with the services provided.
- Home page
- Personal account
- Service catalog
- Detailed description of the service
- Authorization
- Registration
- Online chat with a witch
- An order call
- Using sessions in authorization.
- Using cookies to remember me.
- At least 3 forms with different widgets-text, textarea, select, check, file-field.
- Password hashing.
- Full implementation of the MVC concept.
- Validation of data (on the client and server) entered by the user.
- Using ajax requests for search/verification.
- Workability of all pages.
- User-friendly interface for working with tracks.
- Fast operation and loading of the site.
- Notifying the user about errors when entering information on the site.