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CheckersInRust_v2 PublicImplementation of minmax algorithm to play classic checkers. Code written purely in Rust with multithreading optimisations and alpha-beta pruning optimization.
OnlyPWRfullSurvive_Unity2D PublicComplete tasks for each level, collect unique items and try not to die of exhaustion! Hope you'll have fun... And remember, unlike the Wrocław University of Technology, this game is just a simulation!
C# 1
AsciiMovieConverter PublicSimple command line application for converting mp4 movies to videos of frames made out of ascii characters.
ksproska/iot_weather_project PublicTematem projektu jest obsługa inteligentnego domu; czujników temperatury, ciśnienia i wilgotności. System zbiera dane z pokojów i podejmuje decyzje dotyczące zmian w urządzeniach domowych typu utrz…
Python 2
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