- open a terminal in the root-folder and type:
cd chat-client
npm ci
open a terminal in the root-folder and type:
dotnet run -p ./Chat.Api/Chat.Api.csproj
cd Chat.Api
dotnet run
- open a terminal in the root-folder and type:
cd chat-client
npm start
(Click on the image to enlarge)
(Click on the image to enlarge)
I've chosen to implement idea number 2, "A chat where everyone can talk to each other, something like Slack." by using templets for:
- dotnet webapi for the server-side API
- create-react-app --template typescript for the client, a graphical user interface
To enable real-time communication I'll install @microsoft/signalr on the client.
- I could not fit all the cards in one To do column so I divided the cards by server and client.
- I hope this picture is initial enough although I've already crossed tasks off and moved some cards.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
(Click on the image to enlarge)
(Click on the image to enlarge)