Example how to connect SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi® CC3200 LaunchPad™ with WolkAbout IoT platform 2.0, send sensor readings, perform actuation and firmware update, using WolkConnect-C library.
The example connects CC3200 LaunchPad to the WolkAbout IoT platform 2.0, sends temperature sensor readings and perform actuation on user’s request from the platform by turning on and off red LED on the board. It also shows the example of usage firmware update functionality on user's request from the platform. All of these functionalities are implemented using WolkConnect-C library, alongside Texas Instruments CC3200 SDK.
These instructions will lead you through the step-by-step process for setting up this project and trying it on your own CC3200 LaunchPad.
Important: The repository must be cloned from the command line using
git clone --recurse https://github.com/Wolkabout/WolkConnect-C-SimpleLink-Wi-Fi-CC3200-LaunchPad.git
Own CC3200 LaunchPad board. Here you can find the User's guide.
Texas Instruments Uniflash v3.4.1 to flash binary images to the SFLASH memory of LaunchPad.
Account on WolkAbout IoT platform 2.0.
For editing and recompiling this project, you will need Code Composer Studio (CCS) Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Wireless Connectivity, alongside SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3200 SDK. It will be the best to install this SDK in C:\TI folder for the ease of setup.
Make sure that jumpers on the LaunchPad board are mounted as follows:
* J2 in short * J3 in short * SOP 2 in short
Connect micro USB to the LaunchPad board and to the PC
Open the Uniflash tool, and make a new configuration by choosing Connection: CC3x Serial UART interface, under the "Board or Device" CC3200 should be discovered. If it's not discovered, install the FTDI driver which is located in {SDK_ROOT}/tools/ftdi folder.
Next step is to flash to binary images into the devices SFLASH memory from the Uniflash. Add new files:
- /sys/mcuimg.bin URL:{SDK_ROOT}/example/application_bootloader/ccs/Release
- /sys/mcuimg1.bin URL:{PROJECT_ROOT}/WolkConnect-C-SimpleLink-Wi-Fi-CC3200-LaunchPad/WolkConnect-C-SimpleLink-Wi-Fi-CC3200-LaunchPad-Factory.bin
- /sys/config.txt URL:{PROJECT_ROOT}/WolkConnect-C-SimpleLink-Wi-Fi-CC3200-LaunchPad/config.txt
If you make changes in this project you will find your new .bin file located here {PROJECT_ROOT}/WolkConnect-C-SimpleLink-Wi-Fi-CC3200-LaunchPad/Release/WolkConnect-C-SimpleLink-Wi-Fi-CC3200-LaunchPad.bin
The file should look like this:
Change default values with your own. WiFI parameters with your own. For wifi_network_security_type insert one of follow WEP, WPA, WPA2 or OPEN. The device_key and device_password you will get when you create your device on WolkAbout IoT platform 2.0.
While creating a device on WolkAbout IoT platform 2.0 import CC3200_LP_device-deviceTemplate.json file attached to this repo. Here you can find the WolkAbout™ IoT User Guides for Web.
Remove the SOP 2 jumper from the CC3200 LaunchPad board and the device should connect to the platform and send sensor's readings every 30 seconds. You should also be able to turn on and off LED from the platform by switching the actuator state.
Open the Code Composer Studio and import the project.
Open the project properties:
- Resource
- Linked Resources And change the CC3200_SDK_ROOT to your {SDK_ROOT} - folder where you installed SDK Also, change the ORIGINAL_PROJECT_ROOT to the folder where you downloaded project
- Resource
Inside project go to the:
- WolkConnect-C
- examples
- main.c - Exclude from Build
- examples
- WolkConnect-C
Now you should be able to build the project
For trying the example follow the steps from above for Trying example without rebuilding the project
- Details can be found in WolkAbout™ IoT Tool Web Application User Manual
- Upload the file WolkConnect-C-SimpleLink-Wi-Fi-CC3200-LaunchPad/WolkConnect-C-SimpleLink-Wi-Fi-CC3200-LaunchPad-Factory.bin or any other .bin that you previously built for CC3200 LaunchPad
- The device should reboot itself and load a new firmware image!
Note: The process of downloading and installing can be tracked with serial monitor as described below
Debugging from the Code Composer:
- Add taget configuration as described in Getting started guide
- Put SOP 2 jumper in short
- Connect PC and the LaunchPad board
Debugging just with the serial console
- Install some serial monitor or open the serial monitor in CCS
- Set the baud rate to 115200
- You should be able to see all messages from the board which indicate what's happening
Note: This can be done either with SOP 2 mounted or dismounted
- WolkConnector-C - library used to communicate with the Wolkabout IoT platform 2.0
- CC3200 SDK - Software development kit by Texas Instruments