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A simple web based app for utilizing the power of blockchain in a secured way which provides ability to vote with/without availability of the internet connectivity.

  1. With the use of azure blockchain and deployment of smart-contracts a simple web-app can be made with other dependencies like web3 or with the provided swagger-api or with azure blockchain workbench which can be used with internet connectivity present.
  1. The other part(without internet connectivity) is be covered with the help of raspberry pi and creation of local server in the area where the network connectivity is not present. In this case the votes given by the people is stored in the distributive single node ethereum and transferred to main network when it comes in contact with internet.
  1. Two Factor Authentication With AES and SHA512 Encryption which allow users to register with a device and a pin and login through that specific combination of pin and Device Hardware descriptor.


Clone Repo

git clone Votechain

Use Node v10.18.0 and Install dependencies

nvm install 10.18.0
nvm use 10.18.0
cd ./Votechain && npm install

Use docker-compose to to start required services.

Install docker from HERE.

Install docker-compose from HERE.

cd ./DC_Services
sudo docker-compose up

Copy .env.rc file

cd ../
cp .env.rc.json.example .env.rc.json

# Edit in case of different server name and api calls.
nano .env.rc.json

Run Using npm commands in the Votechain Directory

Development Server(Open Chrome in disabled security mode-CORS).

# Run web-server
npm run web-server

# Run api-server
npm run api-server

# Run admin-server
npm run admin-server

# Run admin-api-server
npm run admin-api-server

Production Server(CORS Headers added by default).

# Make production optimised build

# Web_Portal
cd ./Web_Portal
npm run build

cd ./Admin
npm run build

# Edit Service files and Script files for proper path configuration.

# copy Deploy_Scripts(Service Files)

# copy ganache-cli script in case of Raspberry-pi(Ganache-cli service)

# Install mysql-server manually in case of Raspberry-pi


# Run web-server
sudo service web-server start

# Run api-server
sudo service api-server start

# Run admin-server
sudo service admin-server start

# Run admin-api server
sudo service admin-api-server start

# Check service logs using journalctl

sudo journalctl -u <service-name> -f(for active logs)

sudo journalctl -u <service-name> -n <no-of-lines-to-view>
