A* agent
a method based on greedy policy
random search agent
a method based on reward and MCMC
an approximation of RMS-Norm, with a better robust performance in off-policy learning
initialize weight in uniform distribution U(-1, 1)
use RMSProp as optimizer
use layer-norm in on-policy methods
use weight-decay in on-policy methods
normalize gradient
the range of reward is symmetric and the value falls between -1 and 1
- reward at position
float Agent::reward0(int xi, int yi, int xn, int yn, int xt, int yt)
/* agent goes out of the map */
if (map(xn, yn) == 1) {
return -1;
/* agent reaches to the target's position */
if (xn == xt && yn == yt) {
return 1;
/* the distance from agent's previous position to the target's position */
float d1 = (xi - xt) * (xi - xt) + (yi - yt) * (yi - yt);
/* the distance from agent's current position to the target's position */
float d2 = (xn - xt) * (xn - xt) + (yn - yt) * (yn - yt);
return std::sqrt(d1) - std::sqrt(d2);
cumulative reward per epoch
DQN reward
the reward agent received will be decreased when agent gets closer to the target until it reaches to the target's position. Otherwise, the agent will tend to be overconfident.