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Nick Olenz edited this page Nov 6, 2020 · 2 revisions


Gamemode Minimum Instances Maximum Instances
Sandbox 0 0
Take and Hold 2 Unlimited


TNH_HoldPoint describes all features of a hold point in Take and Hold.

Field Breakdown

  • Bounds: A set of DISABLED GameObjects using meshes with no colliders that encompass the entire Hold Point.
  • NavBlockers: A DISABLED parent object with DISABLED children. These become active during a Hold, and have colliders on the NavBlock layer to prevent the player from leaving the hold area. Place collider objects on the entrances to a hold point. MINIMUM: 0
  • BarrierPoints: Parent container for barriers. All children of this object must be TNH_DestructibleBarrierPoint. MINIMUM: 0
  • CoverPoints: Parent container for cover points. All children of this object must be AICoverPoint. MINIMUM: 0
  • SpawnPoint_SystemNode: System node spawns here. Place on the floor since it will hover above.
  • SpawnPoints_Targets: Parent container for encryption spawns. Children of this object should just be empty GameObjects. MINIMUM: ???
  • SpawnPoints_Turrets: Unused?
  • AttackVectors: Parent container for AttackVectors. All children of this object must be AttackVector. MINUMUM: 2?
  • SpawnPoints_Sosigs_Defense: Parent container for Sosigs. Children of this object should just be empty GameObjects. MINIMUM: 9 in code, but fewer shouldn't cause errors.


These are annoying to set up manually. You are heavily encouraged to simply modify the included hold point prefab to meet your needs.