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Releases: Wynntils/Wynntils-Bot

Updated Dependencies

28 May 16:21
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No major changes have been made compared to v2.0.0. Only the dependencies have been updated and new features of those dependencies have been leveraged to implement existing behaviour. Command now also work through DMs.

Major Rewrite

28 May 16:19
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A major Rewrite has occurred and the bot now features the new slash commands. Compared to the v1.0.0 some unused commands have been cut and some have been split up (e.g >info to /info & /config). And the bot is now powered by Discord.js and slash-create.


28 May 16:12
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Initial Discord bot for the Wynntils server using eris.js. Tasked with various things such as reaction roles, FAQ messages, and has integration with our backend service to display some Wynntils usage stats.

Note: this version is no longer functioning (28-05-2021)