Path class help you easy manipulate to any path (unix-style, windows-style, uri path), going up and down, extract last path item, detect project root and more. This lib not work with file system. Its just help you manipulate path string.
composer require xakepehok/path
# Create path object with some path and define path separator.
# If separator not defined, it will be detected from passed path string
$path = new \XAKEPEHOK\Path\Path('/any/path/here');
# /any/path
echo $path->up();
# /any/path/here/down_1/down_2
echo $path->down('down_1')->down('down_2');
# Ending or double slashes will be removed
# /any/path/here/down_1/down_2
echo $path->down('/down_1/')->down('/down_2/');
# Empty down will be ignored
# /any/path/here
echo $path->down('');
# /any/path/here/down_1/down_2
echo $path->down('down_1/down_2');
# Backslash will be replaced by slash, because path already contain slash
# /any/path/here/down_1/down_2
echo $path->down('down_1\down_2');
$subPath = new \XAKEPEHOK\Path\Path('dir_1/dir_2')
# /any/path/here/dir_1/dir_2
echo $path->down($subPath);
# /any/path/down_1/dir_1/dir_2
echo $path->up()->down('down_1/down_2')->up()->down($subPath);
$path = new \XAKEPEHOK\Path\Path('C:\\Windows');
# C:\
echo $path->up();
# C:\Windows\System32\drivers
echo $path->down('System32')->down('drivers');
# Ending or double backslashes will be removed
# C:\Windows\System32\drivers
echo $path->down('\\System32\\')->down('\\drivers\\');
# C:\Windows\System32\drivers
echo $path->down('System32\drivers');
# Slash will be replaced by backslash, because path already contain backslash
# C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
echo $path->down('System32/drivers\etc');
$subPath = new \XAKEPEHOK\Path\Path('Adobe/Photoshop')
# C:\Windows\System32\drivers
echo $path->down($subPath);
# C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop
echo $path->up()->down('Program Files\\Microsoft')->up()->down($subPath);
$path = new \XAKEPEHOK\Path\Path('');
echo $path->up();
echo $path->down('dir_1')->down('dir_2');
echo $path->down('down_1/down_2');
# Backslash will be replaced by slash, because path already contain slash
echo $path->down('down_1\down_2');
$subPath = new \XAKEPEHOK\Path\Path('dir_1/dir_2')
$path = new \XAKEPEHOK\Path\Path('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf');
# Return FileName object
$filename = $path->end();
# nginx
echo $filename->getName(false); //without extension
# nginx.conf
echo $filename->getName(true); //with extension
# conf
echo $filename->getExtension(); //extension
# true
echo $filename->hasExtension(); //bool true if file has extension
# Return you project root path (dir that contain composer's vendor dir).
# Its detected by reflection of \Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader.php placement
$path = \XAKEPEHOK\Path\Path::root();