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Releases: XanaduAI/strawberryfields

Release 0.15.1

14 Sep 02:41
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  • Adds the ability to bypass recompilation of programs if they have been compiled already to the target device. (#447)

Breaking Changes

  • Changes the default compiler for devices that don't specify a default from "Xcov" to "Xunitary". This compiler is slightly more strict and only compiles the unitary, not the initial squeezers, however avoids any unintentional permutations. (#445)

Bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug where a program that amounts to the identity operation would cause an error when compiled using the xcov compiler. (#444)


  • Updates the README.rst file and hardware access links. (#448)


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Theodor Isacsson, Josh Izaac, Nathan Killoran, Nicolás Quesada, Antal Száva

Release 0.15.0

19 Aug 06:59
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New features since last release

  • Adds the ability to train variational GBS circuits in the applications layer. (#387) (#388) (#391) (#393) (#414) (#415)

    Trainable parameters can be embedded into a VGBS class:

    from strawberryfields.apps import data, train
    d = data.Mutag0()
    embedding = train.Exp(d.modes)
    n_mean = 5
    vgbs = train.VGBS(d.adj, 5, embedding, threshold=False, samples=np.array(d[:1000]))

    Properties of the variational GBS distribution for different choices of trainable parameters can then be inspected:

    >>> params = 0.1 * np.ones(d.modes)
    >>> vgbs.n_mean(params)

    A cost function can then be created and its value and gradient accessed:

    >>> h = lambda x: np.sum(x)
    >>> cost = train.Stochastic(h, vgbs)
    >>> cost(params, n_samples=1000)
    >>> cost.grad(params, n_samples=1000)
    array([-0.54988876, -0.49270263, -0.6628071 , -1.13057762, -1.13568456,
         -0.70180571, -0.6266806 , -0.68803539, -1.11032533, -1.12853718,
         -0.59172261, -0.47830748, -0.96901676, -0.66938217, -0.85162006,
         -0.27188134, -0.26955011])

    For more details, see the VGBS training demo.

  • Feature vectors of graphs can now be calculated exactly in the apps.similarity module of the applications layer. Datasets of pre-calculated feature vectors are available in (#390) (#401)

    >>> from strawberryfields.apps import data
    >>> from strawberryfields.apps.similarity import feature_vector_sampling
    >>> samples = data.Mutag0()
    >>> feature_vector_sampling(samples, [2, 4, 6])
    [0.19035, 0.2047, 0.1539]

    For more details, see the graph similarity demo.

  • A new strawberryfields.apps.qchem module has been introduced, centralizing all quantum chemistry applications. This includes various new features and improvements:

    • Adds the apps.qchem.duschinsky() function for generation of the Duschinsky rotation matrix and displacement vector which are needed to simulate a vibronic process with Strawberry Fields. (#434)

    • Adds the apps.qchem.dynamics module for simulating vibrational quantum dynamics in molecules. (#402) (#411) (#419) (#421) (#423) (#430)

      This includes:

      • dynamics.evolution() constructs a custom operation that encodes the input chemical information. This custom operation can then be used within a Strawberry Fields Program.

      • dynamics.sample_coherent(), dynamics.sample_fock() and dynamics.sample_tmsv() functions allow for generation of samples from a variety of input states.

      • The probability of an excited state can then be estimated with the dynamics.prob() function, which calculates the relative frequency of the excited state among the generated samples.

      • Finally, the dynamics.marginals() function generates marginal distributions.

    • The sf.apps.vibronic module has been relocated to within the qchem module. As a result, the apps.sample.vibronic() function is now accessible under apps.qchem.vibronic.sample(), providing a single location for quantum chemistry functionality. (#416)

    For more details, please see the qchem documentation.

  • The GaussianState returned from simulations using the Gaussian backend now has feature parity with the FockState object returned from the Fock backends. (#407)

    In particular, it now supports the following methods:

    • GaussianState.ket()
    • GaussianState.all_fock_probs()

    In addition, the existing GaussianState.reduced_dm() method now supports multi-mode reduced density matrices.

  • Adds the sf.utils.samples_expectation, sf.utils.samples_variance and sf.utils.all_fock_probs_pnr functions for obtaining counting statistics from samples. (#399)

  • Compilation of Strawberry Fields programs has been overhauled.

    • Strawberry Fields can now access the Xanadu Cloud device specifications API. The Connection class has a new method Connection.get_device, which returns a DeviceSpec class. (#429) (#432)

    • New Xstrict, Xcov, and Xunitary compilers for compiling programs into the X architecture have been added. (#358) (#438)

    • Finally, the strawberryfields.circuitspecs module has been renamed to strawberryfields.compilers.

  • Adds diagonal_expectation method for the BaseFockState class, which returns the expectation value of any operator that is diagonal in the number basis. (#389)

  • Adds parity_expectation method as an instance of diagonal_expectation for the BaseFockState class, and its own function for BaseGaussianState. This returns the expectation value of the parity operator, defined as (-1)^N. (#389)


  • Modifies the rectangular interferometer decomposition to make it more efficient for hardware devices. Rather than decomposing the interferometer using Clements :math:T matrices, the decomposition now directly produces Mach-Zehnder interferometers corresponding to on-chip phases. (#363)

  • Changes the number_expectation method for the BaseFockState class to be an instance of diagonal_expectation. (#389)

  • Increases the speed at which the following gates are generated: Dgate, Sgate, BSgate and S2gate by relying on a recursive implementation recently introduced in thewalrus. This has substantial effects on the speed of the Fockbackend and the TFbackend, especially for high cutoff values. (#378) (#381)

  • All measurement samples can now be accessed via the results.all_samples attribute, which returns a dictionary mapping the mod index to a list of measurement values. This is useful for cases where a single mode may be measured multiple times. (#433)

Breaking Changes

  • Removes support for Python 3.5. (#385)

  • Complex parameters now are expected in polar form as two separate real parameters. (#378)


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Juan Miguel Arrazola, Tom Bromley, Jack Ceroni, Aroosa Ijaz, Theodor Isacsson, Josh Izaac, Nathan Killoran, Soran Jahangiri, Shreya P. Kumar, Filippo Miatto, Nicolás Quesada, Antal Száva


24 Jun 08:24
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Post release to address changes to the documentation.

Release 0.14.0

05 May 03:33
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New features since last release

  • The "tf" backend now supports TensorFlow 2.0 and above. (#283) (#320) (#323) (#361) (#372) (#373) (#374) (#375) (#377)

    For more details and demonstrations of the new TensorFlow 2.0-compatible backend, see our optimization and machine learning tutorials.

    For example, using TensorFlow 2.0 to train a variational photonic circuit:

    eng = sf.Engine(backend="tf", backend_options={"cutoff_dim": 7})
    prog = sf.Program(1)
    with prog.context as q:
        # Apply a single mode displacement with free parameters
        Dgate(prog.params("a"), prog.params("p")) | q[0]
    opt = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.1)
    alpha = tf.Variable(0.1)
    phi = tf.Variable(0.1)
    for step in range(50):
        # reset the engine if it has already been executed
        if eng.run_progs:
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            # execute the engine
            results =, args={'a': alpha, 'p': phi})
            # get the probability of fock state |1>
            prob = results.state.fock_prob([1])
            # negative sign to maximize prob
            loss = -prob
        gradients = tape.gradient(loss, [alpha, phi])
        opt.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, [alpha, phi]))
        print("Value at step {}: {}".format(step, prob))
  • Adds the method number_expectation that calculates the expectation value of the product of the number operators of a given set of modes. (#348)

    prog = sf.Program(3)
    with prog.context as q:
        ops.Sgate(0.5) | q[0]
        ops.Sgate(0.5) | q[1]
        ops.Sgate(0.5) | q[2]
        ops.BSgate(np.pi/3, 0.1) |  (q[0], q[1])
        ops.BSgate(np.pi/3, 0.1) |  (q[1], q[2])

    Executing this on the Fock backend,

    >>> eng = sf.Engine("fock", backend_options={"cutoff_dim": 10})
    >>> state =

    we can compute the expectation value <n_0 n_2>:

    >>> state.number_expectation([0, 2])


  • Add details to the error message for failed remote jobs. (#370)

  • The required version of The Walrus was increased to version 0.12, for
    tensor number expectation support. (#380)


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Tom Bromley, Theodor Isacsson, Josh Izaac, Nathan Killoran, Filippo Miatto, Nicolás Quesada, Antal Száva, Paul Tan.

Release 0.13.0

15 Apr 16:54
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New features since last release

  • Adds initial support for the Xanadu's photonic quantum hardware. (#101) (#148) (#294) (#327) (#328) (#329) (#330) (#334) (#336) (#337) (#339)

    Jobs can now be submitted to the Xanadu Quantum Cloud platform to be run on supported hardware using the new RemoteEngine:

    import strawberryfields as sf
    from strawberryfields import ops
    from strawberryfields.utils import random_interferometer
    # replace AUTH_TOKEN with your Xanadu Quantum Cloud access token
    con = sf.api.Connection(token="AUTH_TOKEN")
    eng = sf.RemoteEngine("X8", connection=con)
    prog = sf.Program(8)
    U = random_interferometer(4)
    with prog.context as q:
        ops.S2gate(1.0) | (q[0], q[4])
        ops.S2gate(1.0) | (q[1], q[5])
        ops.S2gate(1.0) | (q[2], q[6])
        ops.S2gate(1.0) | (q[3], q[7])
        ops.Interferometer(U) | q[:4]
        ops.Interferometer(U) | q[4:]
        ops.MeasureFock() | q
    result =, shots=1000)

    For more details, see the photonic hardware quickstart and tutorial.

  • Significantly speeds up the Fock backend of Strawberry Fields, through a variety of changes:

    • The Fock backend now uses The Walrus high performance implementations of the displacement, squeezing, two-mode squeezing, and beamsplitter operations. (#287) (#289)

    • Custom tensor contractions which make use of symmetry relations for the beamsplitter and the two-mode squeeze gate have been added, as well as more efficient contractions for diagonal operations in the Fock basis. (#292)

  • New sf command line program for configuring Strawberry Fields for access to the Xanadu cloud platform, as well as submitting and executing jobs from the command line. (#146) (#312)

    The new Strawberry Fields command line program sf provides several utilities including:

    • sf configure [--token] [--local]: configure the connection to the cloud platform

    • sf run input [--output FILE]: submit and execute quantum programs from the command line

    • sf --ping: verify your connection to the Xanadu cloud platform

    For more details, see the documentation.

  • New configuration functions to load configuration from keyword arguments, environment variables, and configuration files. (#298) (#306)

    This includes the ability to automatically store Xanadu cloud platform credentials in a configuration file using the new function


    as well as from the command line,

    $ sf configure --token AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN

    Configuration files can be saved globally, or locally on a per-project basis. For more details, see the configuration documentation

  • Adds configuration functions for resetting, deleting configurations, as well as displaying available configuration files. (#359)

  • Adds the x_quad_values and p_quad_values methods to the state class. This allows calculation of x and p quadrature probability distributions by integrating across the Wigner function. (#270)

  • Adds support in the applications layer for node-weighted graphs.

    Sample from graphs with node weights using a special-purpose encoding (#295):

    from strawberryfields.apps import sample
    # generate a random graph
    g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(20, 0.6)
    a = nx.to_numpy_array(g)
    # define node weights
    # and encode into the adjacency matrix
    w = [i for i in range(20)]
    a = sample.waw_matrix(a, w)
    s = sample.sample(a, n_mean=10, n_samples=10)
    s = sample.postselect(s, min_count=4, max_count=20)
    s = sample.to_subgraphs(s, g)

    Node weights can be input to search algorithms in the clique and subgraph modules (#296) (#297):

    from strawberryfields.apps import clique
    c = [clique.shrink(s_, g, node_select=w) for s_ in s]
    [, g, iterations=10, node_select=w) for c_ in c]
    from strawberryfields.apps import subgraph, g, min_size=5, max_size=8, node_select=w)


  • Moved Fock backend apply-gate functions to Circuit class, and removed apply_gate_einsum and Circuits._apply_gate, since they were no longer used. (#293)

  • Results returned from all backends now have a unified type and shape. In addition, attempting to use batching, post-selection and feed-foward together with multiple shots now raises an error. (#300)

  • Modified the rectangular decomposition to ensure that identity-like unitaries are implemented with no swaps. (#311)

Bug fixes

  • Symbolic Operation parameters are now compatible with TensorFlow 2.0 objects. (#282)

  • Added sympy>=1.5 to the list of dependencies. Removed the sympy.functions.atan2 workaround now that SymPy has been fixed. (#280)

  • Removed two unnecessary else statements that pylint complained about. (#290)

  • Fixed a bug in the MZgate, where the internal and external phases were in the wrong order in both the docstring and the argument list. The new signature is MZgate(phase_in, phase_ex), matching the existing rectangular_symmetric decomposition. (#301)

  • Updated the relevant methods in RemoteEngine and Connection to derive shots from the Blackbird script or Program if not explicitly specified. (#327)

  • Fixed a bug in homodyne measurements in the Fock backend, where computed probability values could occasionally include small negative values due to floating point precision error. (#364)

  • Fixed a bug that caused an exception when printing results with no state. (#367)

  • Improves the Takagi decomposition, by making explicit use of the eigendecomposition of real symmetric matrices. (#352)


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Ville Bergholm, Tom Bromley, Jack Ceroni, Theodor Isacsson, Josh Izaac, Nathan Killoran, Shreya P Kumar,
Leonhard Neuhaus, Nicolás Quesada, Jeremy Swinarton, Antal Száva, Paul Tan, Zeid Zabaneh.

Release 0.13.0.rc0

02 Apr 12:14
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Release 0.13.0.rc0 Pre-release

New features since last release

  • Adds initial support for the Xanadu's photonic quantum hardware. (#101) (#148) (#294) (#327) (#328) (#329) (#330) (#334) (#336) (#337) (#339)

    Jobs can now be submitted to the Xanadu cloud platform to be run on supported hardware using the new RemoteEngine:

    import strawberryfields as sf
    from strawberryfields import ops
    from strawberryfields.utils import random_interferometer
    # replace AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN with your Xanadu cloud access token
    con = sf.api.Connection(token="AUTH_TOKEN")
    eng = sf.RemoteEngine("X8", connection=con)
    prog = sf.Program(8)
    U = random_interferometer(4)
    with prog.context as q:
        ops.S2gate(1.0) | (q[0], q[4])
        ops.S2gate(1.0) | (q[1], q[5])
        ops.S2gate(1.0) | (q[2], q[6])
        ops.S2gate(1.0) | (q[3], q[7])
        ops.Interferometer(U) | q[:4]
        ops.Interferometer(U) | q[4:]
        ops.MeasureFock() | q
    result =, shots=1000)

    For more details, see the photonic hardware quickstart and tutorial.

  • Significantly speeds up the Fock backend of Strawberry Fields, through a variety of changes:

    • The Fock backend now uses The Walrus high performance implementations of the displacement, squeezing, two-mode squeezing, and beamsplitter operations. (#287) (#289)

    • Custom tensor contractions which make use of symmetry relations for the beamsplitter and the two-mode squeeze gate have been added, as well as more efficient contractions for diagonal operations in the Fock basis. (#292)

  • New sf command line program for configuring Strawberry Fields for access to the Xanadu cloud platform, as well as submitting and executing jobs from the command line. (#146) (#312)

    The new Strawberry Fields command line program sf provides several utilities including:

    • sf configure [--token] [--local]: configure the connection to the cloud platform

    • sf run input [--output FILE]: submit and execute quantum programs from the command line

    • sf --ping: verify your connection to the Xanadu cloud platform

    For more details, see the documentation.

  • New configuration functions to load configuration from keyword arguments, environment variables, and configuration files. (#298) (#306)

    This includes the ability to automatically store Xanadu cloud platform credentials in a configuration file using the new function


    as well as from the command line,

    $ sf configure --token AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN

    Configuration files can be saved globally, or locally on a per-project basis. For more details, see the configuration documentation

  • Adds the x_quad_values and p_quad_values methods to the state class. This allows calculation of x and p quadrature probability distributions by integrating across the Wigner function. (#270)

  • Adds support in the applications layer for node-weighted graphs.

    Sample from graphs with node weights using a special-purpose encoding (#295):

    from strawberryfields.apps import sample
    # generate a random graph
    g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(20, 0.6)
    a = nx.to_numpy_array(g)
    # define node weights
    # and encode into the adjacency matrix
    w = [i for i in range(20)]
    a = sample.waw_matrix(a, w)
    s = sample.sample(a, n_mean=10, n_samples=10)
    s = sample.postselect(s, min_count=4, max_count=20)
    s = sample.to_subgraphs(s, g)

    Node weights can be input to search algorithms in the clique and subgraph modules (#296) (#297):

    from strawberryfields.apps import clique
    c = [clique.shrink(s_, g, node_select=w) for s_ in s]
    [, g, iterations=10, node_select=w) for c_ in c]
    from strawberryfields.apps import subgraph, g, min_size=5, max_size=8, node_select=w)


  • Moved Fock backend apply-gate functions to Circuit class, and removed apply_gate_einsum and Circuits._apply_gate, since they were no longer used. (#293)

  • Results returned from all backends now have a unified type and shape. In addition, attempting to use batching, post-selection and feed-foward together with multiple shots now raises an error. (#300)

  • Modified the rectangular decomposition to ensure that identity-like unitaries are implemented with no swaps. (#311)

Bug fixes

  • Symbolic Operation parameters are now compatible with TensorFlow 2.0 objects. (#282)

  • Added sympy>=1.5 to the list of dependencies. Removed the sympy.functions.atan2 workaround now that SymPy has been fixed. (#280)

  • Removed two unnecessary else statements that pylint complained about. (#290)

  • Fixed a bug in the MZgate, where the internal and external phases were in the wrong order in both the docstring and the argument list. The new signature is MZgate(phase_in, phase_ex), matching the existing rectangular_symmetric decomposition. (#301)

  • Updated the relevant methods in RemoteEngine and Connection to derive shots from the Blackbird script or Program if not explicitly specified. (#327)


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Ville Bergholm, Tom Bromley, Jack Ceroni, Theodor Isacsson, Josh Izaac, Nathan Killoran, Shreya P Kumar,
Leonhard Neuhaus, Nicolás Quesada, Jeremy Swinarton, Antal Száva, Paul Tan, Zeid Zabaneh.

Release 0.12.1

23 Dec 19:42
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This is a very minor bugfix release, to address some installation issues with the previous v0.12.0.

  • Add new Strawberry Fields applications paper to documentation #274

  • Update figure for GBS device in documentation #275

  • Fix installation issue with incorrect minimum version number for thewalrus, fix an incorrect URL in the README, and add the applications data to the file. #272 #277 #273 #278


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Ville Bergholm, Tom Bromley, Nicolás Quesada, Paul Tan

Release 0.12

16 Dec 22:06
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New features

  • A new applications layer, allowing users to interface samples generated from near-term photonic devices with problems of practical interest. The apps package consists of the following modules:

    • The apps.sample module, for encoding graphs and molecules into Gaussian boson sampling (GBS) and generating corresponding samples.

    • The apps.subgraph module, providing a heuristic algorithm for finding dense subgraphs from GBS samples.

    • The apps.clique module, providing tools to convert subgraphs sampled from GBS into cliques and a heuristic to search for larger cliques.

    • The apps.similarity module, allowing users to embed graphs into high-dimensional feature spaces using GBS. Resulting feature vectors provide measures of graph similarity for machine learning tasks.

    • The apps.points module, allowing users to sample subsets of points according to new point process that can be generated from a GBS device.

    • The apps.vibronic module, providing functionality to construct the vibronic absorption spectrum of a molecule from GBS samples.


  • The documentation was improved and refactored. Changes include:

    • A brand new theme, now matching PennyLane #262

    • The documentation has been restructured to make it easier to navigate #266


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Juan Miguel Arrazola, Tom Bromley, Josh Izaac, Soran Jahangiri, Nicolás Quesada

Version 0.11.2

19 Nov 00:04
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New features

  • Adds the MZgate to, representing a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. This is not a primitive of the existing simulator backends; rather, _decompose() is defined, decomposing it into an external phase shift, two 50-50 beamsplitters, and an internal phase shift. #127

  • The Chip0Spec circuit class now defines a compile method, allowing arbitrary unitaries comprised of {Interferometer, BSgate, Rgate, MZgate} operations to be validated and compiled to match the topology of chip0. #127

  • strawberryfields.ops.BipartiteGraphEmbed quantum decomposition now added, allowing a bipartite graph to be embedded on a device that allows for initial two-mode squeezed states, and block diagonal unitaries.

  • Added threshold measurements, via the new operation MeasureThreshold, and provided implementation of this operation in the Gaussian backend. #152

  • Programs can now have free parameters/arguments which are only bound to numerical values when the Program is executed, by supplying the actual argument values to the method. #163

API Changes

  • The strawberryfields.ops.Measure shorthand has been deprecated in favour of strawberryfields.ops.MeasureFock(). #145

  • Several changes to the strawberryfields.decompositions module: #127

    • The name clements has been replaced with rectangular to correspond with the shape of the resulting decomposition.

    • All interferometer decompositions (rectangular, rectangular_phase_end, rectangular_symmetric, and triangular) now have standardized outputs (tlist, diag, tilist), so they can easily be swapped.

  • Several changes to ops.Interferometer: #127

    • The calculation of the ops.Interferometer decomposition has been moved from __init__ to _decompose(), allowing the interferometer decomposition type to be set by a CircuitSpec during compilation.

    • **kwargs is now passed through from Operation.decompose -> Gate.decompose -> SpecificOp._decompose, allowing decomposition options to be passed during compilation.

    • ops.Interferometer now accepts the keyword argument mesh to be set during initialization, allowing the user to specify the decomposition they want.

  • Moves the Program.compile_seq method to CircuitSpecs.decompose. This allows it to be accessed from the CircuitSpec.compile method. Furthermore, it now must also be passed the program registers, as compilation may sometimes require this. #127

  • Parameter class is replaced by MeasuredParameter and FreeParameter, both inheriting from sympy.Symbol. Fixed numeric parameters are handled by the built-in Python numeric classes and numpy arrays. #163

  • Parameter, RegRefTransform and convert are removed. #163


  • Photon-counting measurements can now be done in the Gaussian backend for states with nonzero displacement. #154

  • Added a new test for the cubic phase gate #160

  • Added new integration tests for the Gaussian gates that are not primitive, i.e., P, CX, CZ, and S2. #173

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in strawberryfields.decompositions.rectangular_symmetric so its returned phases are all in the interval [0, 2*pi), and corrects the function docstring. #196

  • When using the 'gbs' compilation target, the measured registers are now sorted in ascending order in the resulting compiled program. #144

  • Fixed typo in the Gaussian Boson Sampling example notebook. #133

  • Fixed a bug in the function smeanxp of the Gaussian Backend simulator. #154

  • Clarified description of matrices that are accepted by graph embed operation. #147

  • Fixed typos in the documentation of the CX gate and BSgate #166 #167 #169

Release 0.11.1

15 Jul 16:32
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  • Added the circuit_spec attribute to BaseBackend to denote which CircuitSpecs class should be used to validate programs for each backend #125.

  • Removed the return_state keyword argument from Now no state object is returned if modes==[]. #126

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a typo in the boson sampling tutorial. #133

  • Allows imported Blackbird programs to store target options as default run options. During, if no run options are provided as a keyword argument, the engine will fall back on the run options stored within the program.

    This fixes a bug where shots specified in Blackbird scripts were not being passed to #130

  • Removes ModuleNotFoundError from the codebase, replacing all occurrences with ImportError. Since ModuleNotFoundError was only introduced in Python 3.6+, this fixes a bug where Strawberry Fields was not importable on Python 3.5 #124.

  • Updates the Chip0 template to use MeasureFock() | [0, 1, 2, 3], which will allow correct fock measurement behaviour when simulated on the Gaussian backend. #124

  • Fixed a bug in the GraphEmbed op, which was not correctly determining when a unitary was the identity #128.