This repository contains exploratory data analysis (EDA) and visualization code for analyzing supermarket sales data. The dataset used is "supermarket_sales - Sheet1.csv". The analysis covers various aspects of the data, including descriptive statistics, data cleaning, feature engineering, outlier detection, and visualization.
To get started, clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
Ensure you have Python and necessary libraries installed to run the code.
The dataset contains information about supermarket sales, including attributes such as:
- Branch: The supermarket branch (A, B, or C).
- Date: Date of the transaction.
- Customer type: Type of customer (Member or Normal).
- Product line: Category of the product.
- Unit price: Price of a single unit of the product.
- Quantity: Number of units purchased.
- Gross income: Total gross income from the transaction.
- Tax 5%: Tax amount (5% of total).
- Total: Total transaction amount.
- Payment: Payment method.
- COGS: Cost of goods sold.
Data Loading and Initial Exploration:
- Loading the dataset using Pandas.
- Displaying the first and last few rows of the dataset.
- Checking the shape, info, and descriptive statistics of the dataset.
Data Cleaning and Preprocessing:
- Handling missing values.
- Converting data types (e.g., date column to datetime).
- Creating new columns for month and year.
- Encoding categorical variables.
Feature Engineering:
- Calculating percentage change in gross income.
- Adding new features like month and year from the date column.
- Scaling numerical features using MinMaxScaler.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):
- Visualizing data distributions using histograms and density plots.
- Exploring the relationship between variables using scatter plots, pair plots, and correlation analysis.
- Creating frequency tables and cross-tabulations.
- Analyzing sales trends over time.
Outlier Detection:
- Detecting outliers using statistical methods (Z-score, IQR).
- Using Isolation Forest and Local Outlier Factor algorithms for outlier detection.
- Handling outliers through techniques like log transformation, clipping, and mapping.
- Visualizing sales trends, distributions, and relationships using line plots, bar charts, pie charts, histograms, box plots, and scatter plots.
- Utilizing libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn for visualization.