With this plugin, you can very easily switch your PurePerms group with a simple command that pops a UI onto your screen thanks to integration of FormAPI! All you do from there is select which group you want to switch to, and voila! This plugin also uses permission nodes to determine which groups should popup for which players, depending on which nodes are added to your group or player file. The ones not available, show as "Locked" and are grayed out in the UI. Each rank has an assigned permission node that can be edited in the config.yml. The command used to access the UI is also customizable in the config.yml along with a bunch of other cool features and settings!
You can find a video example on YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O9LJUtYLi8
- API: 3.0.0+
- Version: 1.6.0
- Basic Description: Easily switch ranks with a simple command and a click of the mouse!
- Easy to edit config.yml file
- Simple code for editing and debugging
PurePerms → https://github.com/PurePlugins/PurePerms
DevTools → https://github.com/pmmp/PocketMine-DevTools (If you're running the plugin from source)