Huge credits to: Alberto Cubeddu on Medium.
Most of the code in this repo has been taken from his post, with a couple of adjustments.
This repo explains how to install and compile libfontconfig into a AWS Lambda layer to be used by your functions.
We'll be using a Dokcer image.
docker pull amazonlinux:2
docker run --name build-fontconfig -d -t amazonlinux:2 cat
docker exec -it build-fontconfig bash
yum install git freetype-devel gettext-devel make expat gperf python3-pip libxml2-devel libtool zip -y
python -m ensurepip --upgrade
cd /tmp
git clone
cd fontconfig
git checkout -b 2.12.4 refs/tags/2.12.4
pip install lxml
pip install six
./ --enable-libxml2
make install
mkdir -p package/lib
cp /usr/local/lib/{,,} /root/package/lib
cd /root/package/
zip -r9 ../ *
docker cp build-fontconfig:/root/
A ready to be deployed version of the layer is included in this repo.
For more information on how to deploy layers in AWS Lambda, you can refer back to the AWS documentation.