This privacy policy is here to help you understand what data and information we collect, why we collect it, and how you can manage, export or delete your information. Last modified `9:00 AM, July 10, 2024 (GMT+07:00)` Effective since `July 11, 2024 (GMT+07:00)` `[01]` Information we collected
We collect a small range of information that we use for analytical and functional purposes. This information is safely stored in private channels that only the bot developers have access to read.
The information we collect for these purposes are: ➟ Your server's name and ID, your username and ID, and the times/dates that the bot joined your server (and left, if occurred).
➟ Your server's custom prefix, if any is set using the prefix command.
➟ Your server's message content, for running consumed game feature.
We also collect the following information on specific actions: ➟ If you "spam" the bot or it's commands (repeatedly running the bot's commands, regardless of cooldowns), we store your ID, and the time/date, to be used for blacklisting purposes. We also log this incident to a private channel for bot developers to see. This information is only kept for 1 hour, until you are un-blacklisted.
➟ If you repeat the same action again after a temporary blacklist, we store your ID, and the time/date, to be used to indicate that you have been permanently blacklisted. We also log this incident to a private channel for bot developers to see. This information is kept permanently, unless you have appealed your blacklist and it is agreed to be removed.
➟ If you use a command that fails for one or more reasons, including but not limited to: permission errors, Discord API errors or errors originating from our own source code and implementations, we will log your ID, the time/date, the error that occurred, as well as the context, which includes the server and channel IDs if applicable. This information is only logged to a private channel for bot developers to see.
[02] Why we collect information We collect information to provide and run our bot and any associated services, to gain an insight into how our bot and services are used, to improve on the user experience, and to help develop new functionality or improve existing features. Some information, such as a server's prefix, is collected to tailor one or more user's experiences, and can be removed if necessary or requested.
[03] Who has access to your information In all cases, only bot developers have direct, unfiltered access to your information. We take caution to make sure that all information is stored securely, and to make sure that no-one outside of the team has access to this information. We only store limited information in specific cases, as detailed above.
Your information is only shared with your consent, for example: ➟ If you use a command of the bot (prefix any message with han or the server's prefix), regardless of whether it is a valid command or not, we consider this as consent to access your basic information, as well as the context of the usage.
We share your information only with the following, authorized providers: ➟ MongoDB: who maintains all users and guilds in bot databases.
[04] Updating, exporting and deleting your information In the case that you would like to manage your information in a non-automated way, we offer ways for you to do so if wanted.
[05] Updating your information All of your information is infrequently modified once stored. Your ID never changes, as information is tied to your user account. We do not transfer user information from account to account.
You can modify limited information in the following ways: ➟ You can modify or delete your server's prefix using the prefix (new prefix) commands.
➟ Information that has been logged to a private channel cannot be modified, as it is sent to the channel by the bot and is final. We do not have a way to edit this information.
➟ Any other information stored is not modifiable by bot developers or the user.
[06] Exporting your information If you would like to request your information be exported and provided to you, please contact us using one of the methods provided at the end of the privacy policy. Exporting your information does not delete or modify it.
[07] Deleting your information If you would like to request your information be deleted, lease contact us using one of the methods provided at the end of the privacy policy. Deleting your information does not export it and provide it to you by default - please specify if you would like your information exported and provided to you.
[08] Compliance We ensure that our information policies, how we work with and handle your information, and how it is stored and collected complies with Discord's Terms of Services and Privacy Policy, as well as the Developer Terms of Services. If you have any concerns over our privacy policy or our handling of your information, please contact us using one of the methods provided at the end of the privacy policy.
[09] When or where this policy applies Our privacy policy applies whenever you use our bot or associated services in any way. This policy then covers the information collected, how we use and handle it, and how you can manage it.
It does not apply if you: ➟ are using another bot or service that we do not own, manage or are associated with in any way, shape or form, unless described separately
➟ are using the Discord platform on it's own, not using our bot.
[10] Contact Information This privacy policy was written by Kang Dittyaa, and is maintained by the Shiba Tatsuya's development team. Contact information can be found below.
Norya Development Discord: XfindZ / owner&developer (471158299681619978) sanxzk / Head Administrator (760321952031703040) Email: