It is based on DJI-MSDK, and realize image transport from android to other platforms such as windows. From windows, You can get image from drones.
It was based on DJI Mobile SDK LiveStreamManager and another project developed by ztest, however, my app got crashed when using his code. Therefore, I write my code according to his project .
Final result was like:
DJI SDK 4.13.1
Android 5.+
drones according to
My tools was M300, ONEPLUS 8 PRO(API 29) and Android Studio 4.0.1.
After installing APKs into Android Platforms.
- Connect phone with RC.
- Build a RTMP server using nignx-rtmp-module or smart_rtmp or something like that on windows/Linux.
- Input your RTMP server's url (you can use ipconfig to find) or configure it in
- Click 'Star Live Show'
- using vlc to play the video.