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multiple-choice action label

  • Dataset: BDD

  • format of annotation:

    • video: video id

    • label: contains action and reason for each video

    • action: forward, stop, turn left, turn right, change lane to left('change_left'), change lane to right('change_right'), can't change lane to left('cant_change_left'), can't change lane to right('cant_change_right'), confuse

    • reason: (bool type)

      • forward('f_reason'):

        • follow traffic('f_follow_traffic')
        • road clear('f_road_clear')
        • traffic light is green or yellow ('f_traffic_light')
      • stop('s_reason'):

        • obstacle: car ('s_ob_car')
        • obstacle: pedestrian ('s_ob_ped')
        • obstacle: rider ('s_ob_rider')
        • traffic light is red or yellow ('s_traffic_light')
        • other ('s_other')
      • turn left('l_reason'):

        • front car turning left ('l_front_car')
        • in the left lane ('l_lane')
        • traffic light or sign allows turning left ('l_traffic_light')
      • turn right('r_reason'):

        • front car turning right ('r_front_car')
        • in the right lane ('r_lane')
        • traffic light or sign allows turning right ('r_traffic_light')
      • can't change lane to left('no_l_reason'):

        • cars in the left lane('no_l_car')
        • no left lane('no_l_lane')
        • can't cross solid line('no_l_solid_line')
      • can't change lane to right('no_r_reason'):

        • cars in the left lane('no_r_car')
        • no left lane('no_r_lane')
        • can't cross solid line('no_r_solid_line')
  • Statistics:

    • total: 11624
    • forward: 8478
    • stop: 3325
    • left turn: 465
    • right turn: 503
    • change lane to left: 3335
    • change lane to right: 3620
    • confuse: 89
  • Action one-hot-code format:

    • number of class: 7
    • order: forward, stop, turn left, turn right, change lane to left, change lane to right, confuse
    • e.g. [1,0,0,0,1,0,0] means forward and change lane to left.
  • Reason one-hot code format:

    • number of class: 21
    • order: f_follow_traffic, f_road_clear, f_traffic_light, s_ob_car, s_ob_ped, s_ob_rider, s_other, s_traffic_light, s_traffic_sign, l_front_car, l_lane, l_traffic_light, r_front_car, r_lane, r_traffic_light, no_l_car, no_l_lane, no_l_solid_line, no_r_car, no_r_lane, no_r_solid_line.
  • Train, test split:

    • train: test: val = 7:2:1