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lr2rmats: Long read to rMATS

Note: rMATS-long ( is recommended for long-read RNA-seq analysis

What is lr2rmats ?

lr2rmats is a Snakemake-based light-weight pipeline which is designed to utilize both third-generation long-read and second-generation short-read RNA-seq data to generate an enhanced gene annotation file. The newly generated annotation file could be provided to rMATS for differential alternative splicing analysis. lr2rmats

Table of Contents


Operating system

lr2rmats currently can only be built and run on Linux/Unix systems.

Cloning and building lr2rmats pipeline

git clone --recursive
cd lr2rmats
make dependencies
make lr2rmats
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/bin # To permanently modify your PATH, you need to add it to your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc file. 

make dependencies command will build all dependencies that are needed by lr2rmats. make lr2rmats will build the main program of the lr2rmats pipeline.

Alternatively, you could simply type make to build everything you need.

After the building is done, the path of lr2rmats/bin needs to be added to the environment variable PATH.


lr2rmats is dependent on following open-source software: minimap2(>=2.5), STAR(>=2.5.3a), samtools(>=1.6),bedtools(>=2.27.1) and Snakemake(>=3.5.5).

They will be automatically downloaded and built via make dependencies command if they are not installed in your computer.

You can choose to build them separately, like make minimap2, make snakemake.

Getting started with toy example in test_data

snakemake -p --snakefile ./Snakefile --configfile ./config.yaml

Or, when you are using snakemake version < 5.2.0:

snakemake -p --snakefile ./Snakefile_legacy --configfile ./config.yaml

Enhanced gene annotation file output/updated.gtf will be generated in current working directory, along with some intermediate and log files.

Input and output

All the input and output files are specified in the configuration file config.yaml:

# input
    fasta: test_data/genome/genome.fa
    gtf: test_data/gtf/original.gtf
    ... : ...

        samp1: test_data/read/samp1_long.fa
        ... : ...
            first: test_data/read/samp1_short_1.fa
            second: test_data/read/samp1_short_2.fa
            ... : ...
# output
    updated_gtf: output/updated.gtf
    ... : ...

# other parameters
    rm_gtf: test_data/gtf/rRNA.gtf
    ... : ...

Input files (* is required)

  • *genome.fa: genome file in FASTA format.

  • *original.gtf: original existing gene annotation file.

  • *samp1_long.fa: long-read data of sample #1.

  • *samp1_short_1.fa and samp1_short_2.fa: paired-end short-read data of sample #1.

  • rRNA.gtf: GTF file for all the ribosomal RNA. Long-read alignment that overlaps with rRNA will be skipped.

For single-end read or multiple samples data, please refer to FAQ #4 and #5.

Output files

  • updated.gtf: enhanced gene annotation file. It contains both known annotation(original.gtf) and reliable novel transcript information extracted from long and short-read data.

In addition to the updated annotation file, more detailed information are also provided:

  • known.gtf: all known transcripts from long-read that already exist in the input annotation file.

  • novel.gtf: all novel transcripts from long-read that are different from any of the annotation transcript. Here, only novel transcripts that have at least one known splice site are kept.

  • novel_exon.bed: bed file of all novel exons that are added in the updated.gtf.

  • unrecog.gtf: all unrecognized transcripts from long-read that have no known splice site.

  • detail.txt: detailed information for each long-read derived transcript.

  • summary.txt: summary statistics of the whole pipeline. It includes the summary of annotation and updated/known/novel/unrecognized transcript information.

Intermediate and log files

Intermediate files will be generated in four folders: alignment, gtf, logs, and benchmark.

  • alignment contains all the alignment result files of long-read and short-read data.
  • gtf contains all the intermediate GTF files.
  • logs contains the log file of each job.
  • benchmark contains each job's running time, memory usage and other measurements.

Running lr2rmats on a local machine

snakemake -p --snakefile ./Snakefile --configfile ./config.yaml --cores 8

8 threads will be used in parallel on the local machine. For more details about how to run lr2rmats on a local machine, refer to More about snakemake and configuration file.

Running lr2rmats on a computer cluster

snakemake -p --snakefile ./Snakefile --configfile ./config.yaml  --cluster-config ./config.yaml \
--cluster "qsub -cwd -V -l h_data={cluster.h_data},h_rt={cluster.h_rt} -pe shared {cluster.threads}"

Computing jobs will be automatically submitted to the computer cluster. Allocation information are specified in the configuration file config.yaml. For more details about how to run lr2rmats on a computer cluster, refer to More about snakemake and configuration file.

More about snakemake and configuration file

  1. Remember to use Snakefile_legacy when you are using old version Snakemake(<5.2.0). The only difference is that there is no 'directory()' for STAR index folder.
  2. All the input and output files that are in relative path format will use current working directory or directory specified by snakemake argument --directory(-d) as the origin.
  3. Maximum number of cores to be used on a local machine and number of cluster nodes to be used on a computer cluster could be specified with snakemake argument --jobs(--cores, -j).
  4. Computing resources for each job could be set in the configuration file.
    • h_data: memory size
    • h_rt: running time
    • threads: number of threads


  1. Q: How many samples are needed for lr2rmats?

    A: There is no limit on sample amount. As long as one sample has matched long and short-read data, it can be provided to lr2rmats. If multiple samples are used as input, the generated GTF annotation will contain the novel information from all samples.

  2. Q: Do I need to provide read data in FASTA format?

    A: lr2rmats works with FASTA, FASTQ, gzip'd FASTA(.fa.gz) and gzip'd FASTQ(.fq.gz) formats.

  3. Q: How to specify the directory of output and intermediate files?

    A: You can use snakemake argument --directory(-d) to specify working directory. Note that when working directory is set, all the relative paths in the configuration file will use it as the origin. Or, you could just use the absolute path instead.

  4. Q: How to use single-end short-read data as input?

    A: You can write single-end data file path after first:, and leave second: empty like this:

    first: test_data/read/short_single.fa
    second: []
  5. Q: How to specify matched pairs of long and short-read data for multiple samples?

    A: You should use uniform name for data from same sample, like this:

       samp1: test_data/read/samp1_long.fa
       samp2: test_data/read/samp2_long.fa
            first: test_data/read/samp1_short_1.fa
            second: test_data/read/samp1_short_2.fa
            first: test_data/read/samp2_short_single.fa
            second: []

    Here samp1 and samp2 are the names of two samples, they should be consistent in long_read and short_read.


Yan Gao

Yi Xing

github issues