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Process animal migration data and analyze migration patterns

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migrationR: a package for processing satellite telemetry data and analyzing migratory patterns


The R package migrationR is designed to efficiently process satellite telemetry data, thereby enabling in-depth analysis of animal migration patterns. It facilitates the extraction, organization, and interpretation of movement data collected from satellite tags attached to migratory species. With migrationR, researchers can uncover valuable insights into migratory routes, timing, and behavior, thereby enhancing our understanding of ecological and environmental influences on animal migrations.

# Install migrationR
install_github("Xinhai-Li/migrationR", force = TRUE)
data(movebankdata) # 96976 occurrences of 27 Demoiselle Cranes from 2018/1/1 to 2019/9/9 at 1h interval.
knitr::kable(head(movebankdata[, 1:5]), "pipe") # Table 1 upper panel
knitr::kable(head(movebankdata[, 6:9]), "pipe") # Table 1 lower panel

Table 1. The first six rows of the satellite tracking data for Demoiselle Cranes using the Movebank data format. timestamp location.long sensor.type
38DCBA5A2 2018/1/1 0:00 69.40862 21.85748 GPS-transmitter
38DCBA5A2 2018/1/1 1:00 69.40854 21.85745 GPS-transmitter
38DCBA5A2 2018/1/1 2:00 69.40860 21.85746 GPS-transmitter
38DCBA5A2 2018/1/1 3:00 69.40868 21.85743 GPS-transmitter
38DCBA5A2 2018/1/1 4:00 69.40872 21.85745 GPS-transmitter
38DCBA5A2 2018/1/1 5:00 69.40864 21.85742 GPS-transmitter taxon.detail individual.local.identifier
Gruidae Anthropoides virgo hooded06_683_BFU076 Guo Yuming's field surveys
Gruidae Anthropoides virgo hooded06_683_BFU076 Guo Yuming's field surveys
Gruidae Anthropoides virgo hooded06_683_BFU076 Guo Yuming's field surveys
Gruidae Anthropoides virgo hooded06_683_BFU076 Guo Yuming's field surveys
Gruidae Anthropoides virgo hooded06_683_BFU076 Guo Yuming's field surveys
Gruidae Anthropoides virgo hooded06_683_BFU076 Guo Yuming's field surveys


The current version has 14 functions.


The inaugural function, as_trackdata(), serves to import Movebank data and enriches it by appending a set of pertinent variables: Year, Month, Day, Hour, Day_fine, Dist, Speed, Direction, North, and Redirect. Of these, Day_fine is a continuous variable that represents Julian Day with a precision down to the second. The Dist variable denotes Euclidean distance between sequential data points, while Speed calculates the minimum velocity between two adjacent locations. North is a continuous variable assigned 1 for movements in a northerly direction and 0 for those heading southward. Direction signifies the moving direction, and Redirect tracks changes in the animal's directional movement.

# Change variable names and add parameters
trackdata = as_trackdata(data = movebankdata, min_time_interval = 6)
knitr::kable(trackdata[1:3,], "pipe") # Table 2
knitr::kable(table(trackdata$ID), "pipe") # Table 3

Table 2. The first three rows of satellite tracking data for Demoiselle Cranes formatted according to the migrationR data structure and augmented with additional variables.

ID Time Lon Lat Year Month Day Hour Day_fine Dist Time_interval Speed Direction North Redirect
hooded06_683_BFU076 2018-01-01 00:00:00 69.40862 21.85748 2018 1 1 0 1.000000 NA NA NA NA NA NA
hooded06_683_BFU076 2018-01-01 01:00:00 69.40854 21.85745 2018 1 1 1 1.041667 0.0088982 1 0.0088982 248.03073 0.3779485 NA
hooded06_683_BFU076 2018-01-01 02:00:00 69.40860 21.85746 2018 1 1 2 1.083333 0.0062866 1 0.0062866 79.83361 0.5564799 -168.1971

Table 3. Individual IDs of Demoiselle Cranes and the corresponding number of occurrences.

Var1 Freq
hooded06_683_BFU076 16029
hooded07_687_BFU077 3502
hooded21_adultHV4BFU069_1 12988
hooded29_140_BFU260_20180809 1343
hooded30_138_BFU262_20180811 1246
hooded31_133_BFU263_20180811 1316
hooded32_134_BFU264_20180811 3879
hooded33_135_BFU265_20180811 5297
hooded34_136_BFU266_20180812 12509
hooded35_137_BFU267_20180816 1548
hooded38_NJGF006_20190717 2031
hooded39_NJGF007_20190717 2073
hooded40_NJGF008_20190719 1658
hooded45_NJGF015_20190723 1896
hooded46_NJGF017_20190723 1691
hooded47_NJGF071_20190724 2715
hooded48_NJGF072_20190726 2466
hooded49_NJGF073_20190727 2039
hooded50_NJGF074_20190727 2038
hooded51_NJGF075_20190727 2960
hooded52_NJGF076_20190801 3142
hooded53_NJGF077_20190802 1684
hooded54_NJGF078_20190802 2016
hooded55_BFU282_20190802 1738
hooded56_BFU285_20190803 3516
hooded57_BFU286_20190803 3437


Plot breeding area, wintering area and migration routes of a population.

plot_breeding_wintering(trackdata = trackdata, ext.par=3, breed.start=100,
                        breed.end=210, winter.start=1, winter.end=60,
                        lat.min.b = -90, lat.max.w = 90,
                        breed.percent = c(80, 60, 40), winter.percent = c(99, 95, 90))

Figure 1

Figure 1. Breeding area (yellow), wintering area (blue) and migration routes of the Demoiselle Cranes

# Use latitude to constrain the range
plot_breeding_wintering(trackdata = trackdata, ext.par=3, breed.start=100,
                        breed.end=210, winter.start=1, winter.end=60,
                        lat.min.b = 45, lat.max.w = 25,
                        breed.percent = c(80, 60, 40), winter.percent = c(99, 95, 90))

Figure 2

Figure 2. Breeding area (yellow), wintering area (blue) and migration routes of the Demoiselle Cranes with minimum latitude 45 for breeding area and maximum latitude 25 for wintering area.


Annual movement distance (km) per individual per year.

# Some individuals were not tracked all the year. Argument n is the minimum number of days in a year
# for calculating the distance
Dist = dist_annual(trackdata=trackdata, n = 200) 
knitr::kable(Dist, "pipe") # Table 4

Table 4. Annual flying distance (km) of Demoiselle Crane individuals and number of days with valid records in the year.

ID Year Distance numDay
1 hooded06_683_BFU076 2018 20574.94 365
2 hooded06_683_BFU076 2019 17721.67 321
3 hooded07_687_BFU077 2018 15871.27 280
4 hooded21_adultHV4BFU069_1 2018 17209.10 360
5 hooded21_adultHV4BFU069_1 2019 19856.54 339
14 hooded34_136_BFU266_20180812 2019 20563.93 365


Plot movement trajectories of all individuals.

# Use color to distinguish individuals
plot_traj(trackdata = trackdata, type = "individual")

Figure 3

Figure 3. Flying trajectories of the Demoiselle Cranes. Different colors indicate different individuals.

# Use color to represent time in a year
plot_traj(trackdata = trackdata, type = "chronic")

Figure 4

Figure 4. Flying trajectories of the Demoiselle Cranes. Different colors indicate different time in a year.


Calculate tracking duration (days) of all individuals.

Dur = duration(trackdata)
knitr::kable(Dur, "pipe")

Table 5. Tracking durations (days) for each individual Demoiselle Crane.

Individual Duration No_record
hooded06_683_BFU076 730 16029
hooded07_687_BFU077 281 3502
hooded19_2age_leftHA5BFU032_1 34 219
hooded21_adultHV4BFU069_1 730 12988
hooded29_140_BFU260_20180809 56 1343
hooded30_138_BFU262_20180811 60 1246
hooded31_133_BFU263_20180811 58 1316
hooded32_134_BFU264_20180811 167 3879
hooded33_135_BFU265_20180811 221 5297
hooded34_136_BFU266_20180812 506 12509
hooded35_137_BFU267_20180816 312 1548
hooded38_NJGF006_20190717 88 2031
hooded39_NJGF007_20190717 91 2073
hooded40_NJGF008_20190719 74 1658
hooded45_NJGF015_20190723 82 1896
hooded46_NJGF017_20190723 83 1691
hooded47_NJGF071_20190724 154 2715
hooded48_NJGF072_20190726 110 2466
hooded49_NJGF073_20190727 80 2039
hooded50_NJGF074_20190727 80 2038
hooded51_NJGF075_20190727 145 2960
hooded52_NJGF076_20190801 142 3142
hooded53_NJGF077_20190802 67 1684
hooded54_NJGF078_20190802 150 2016
hooded55_BFU282_20190802 73 1738
hooded56_BFU285_20190803 150 3516
hooded57_BFU286_20190803 150 3437


Plot tracking duration of all individuals.

plot_track_duration(trackdata, cex.lab=0.9, cex.axis=0.8)

Figure 5

Figure 5. Tracking duration for all the individuals of the Demoiselle Cranes.


Estimate nest sites based on the most used location in the breeding season.

# The starting time (breed.S) and ending time (breed.E) of the breeding season should be adjusted for other species
nest_locating(trackdata, breed.S = 130, breed.E = 180, minimum.rec = 100)

# Check the nest location of a single individual
ind = trackdata[trackdata$ID==trackdata$ID[1] & trackdata$Year == trackdata$Year[1],]
breed.S = 140; breed.E = 180
ind = ind[ind$Day > breed.S & ind$Day < breed.E, ]
plot(ind$Lon, ind$Lat)
lines(ind$Lon, ind$Lat, col="grey", lwd=.5)
LAT = round(ind$Lat, 4); LON = round(ind$Lon, 4)
LATLON = as.character(LAT*LON*10^8) # numeric would cause no-match
frq = sort(table(LATLON), decreasing=T)
LAT = ind$Lat[LATLON ==  names(frq [frq==max(frq)] )][1]
LON = ind$Lon[LATLON ==  names(frq [frq==max(frq)] )][1]
points(LON, LAT, col=2, pch=16)

Figure 6

Figure 6. Movements trajectories and estimated nest site of one Demoiselle Crane.


Calculate daily movement distance (km).

Daily.dist = dist_daily(trackdata);
# plot(Daily.dist$Day, Daily.dist$Dist2, col=as.numeric(as.factor(Daily.dist$Individual)), 
#     xlab="Julian day", ylab="Flying distance (km)")


Plot daily movement distance across a year.

Daily.dist = dist_daily(trackdata)

Figure 7

Figure 7. Daily movement distance of Demoiselle Cranes across a year. Different colors indicate different individuals


Plot movement directions of an individual in a year.

ind = trackdata[trackdata$ID==trackdata$ID[1] & trackdata$Year == trackdata$Year[1],]

Figure 8

Figure 8. The flying directions of one Demoiselle Crane in a year. The color gradient, transitioning from green to red, represents the progression of Julian day, ranging from 1 to 365.


Plot time series segments of movement trajectories of an individual.

# The colors of points from red to green indicate the locating time of the points is from old to new.
plot_traj_segments(ind=ind, seg=4, label=F)

Figure 9

Figure 9. The trajectories of a single Demoiselle Crane across four distinct periods.

plot_traj_segments(ind=ind, seg=6, label=T)

Figure 10

Figure 10. The trajectories of a single Demoiselle Crane across six distinct periods.


Estimate the date (day) and time (hour) of starting and ending of migrations.

timing = mig_timing(trackdata=trackdata, dist_min_day = 100, dist_min_hour = 10, dist_outlier = 150)
knitr::kable(head(timing), "pipe") # Table 6
Winter_End_Day = timing$Winter_End_Day
Winter_End_Day = Winter_End_Day[!]
Winter_End_Day = Winter_End_Day[Winter_End_Day>260]
hist(Winter_End_Day, main="", nclass=30, xlab="Julian Day") # Figure 11

Table 6. Estimated date (day) and time (hour) of starting and ending of migrations for Demoiselle Crane individuals.

Year ID Breed_Start_Day Breed_Start_Hour Breed_End_Day Breed_End_Hour Winter_Start_Day Winter_Start_Hour Winter_End_Day Winter_End_Hour
1 2018 hooded06_683_BFU076 80 13 126 20 240 11 310 18
33467 2019 hooded06_683_BFU076 84 15 121 15 242 11 304 21
8705 2018 hooded07_687_BFU077 76 14 128 22 231 12 281 18
12426 2018 hooded21_adultHV4BFU069_1 86 14 125 22 234 6 309 18
40792 2019 hooded21_adultHV4BFU069_1 88 14 134 11 230 12 323 19
17778 2018 hooded29_140_BFU260_20180809 NA NA NA NA 268 13 278 0

Figure 11

Figure 11. The starting and ending dates of wintering migration of the Demoiselle Cranes.


HOSDM() facilitates the implementation of Hetero-occurrence Species Distribution Models (HOSDMs). These are innovative individual-based species distribution models that specialize in discerning between different types of species occurrences with the ultimate goal of boosting model accuracy. Notably, HOSDMs have been specifically designed for optimal utilization of time-series telemetry data derived from satellites.

To implement Hetero-occurrence Species Distribution Models (HOSDMs), acquiring environmental variable data is essential, and such information can be sourced from the repository designated as "migrationR_data" at

BioClim <- brick('Env_Poyang.grd')
results = HOSDM(trackdata = HOSDMdata, prediction=F, buffer=0.1, absence=30, Envlayer=BioClim)

# Predicted habitat suitability
plot(results[[2]][[1]], main=paste("Roosting habitat for individual", ind[1], sep=" " ))
plot(results[[3]][[1]], main=paste("Foraging habitat for individual", ind[1], sep=" " ))


Use packages anipaths, magick and animation to creat animated flying trajectories with transparent background. It is under construction.

Figure 12

Figure 12. The animated flying trajectories of Demoiselle Cranes at Poyang Lake from 2017 to 2023.


Process animal migration data and analyze migration patterns







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